📣Voice of Burning Bush 54

10 November, 2022   

The BBPN Apostolic & Prophetic Team received the prophetic words from the throne room of God as below. Let us intercede each other in unity. May the kingdom of God come and may His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!  Amen.

  1. Praying Priests 

“Ask Me, and I will give the nations as your inheritance, and the far reaches of the earth as your possession.” (Psm 2:8)

In the times of fast changing and constant shakings, the Praying Priests will clearly receive the positions from God in various areas, including kingdom, region, city, family and local churches. You will play the role as connectors and weave all areas together into a powerful network. By the power and anointing of God, all Praying priests will stand on your assigned positions to pray and intercede faithfully, and the great result of your victory over the spiritual warfare is waves of harvests! People will repent and return to God, and nations and the earth will align with His ultimate purposes.

  1. Indigenous Ministry Partners

“The surviving remnant of the house of Judah will take root downward and bear fruit upward.” (Isa 37:31, TLV) 

In this season, the Indigenous Ministry Partners will see God opening up new connections. Some ministries will experience new changes and readjustments internally, and some co-workers will leave their comfort zones to take on new challenges and opportunities. You will continue to run the heavenly races and see the greater advancement of God’s kingdom. As you expand, your ministries will take root downward to build and encourage many believers’ faith, as well as bear fruit upward so that more people are saved, healed and restored. Your fruit remains. 

  1. Evangelism Partners

“Adonai, You will establish shalom for us, for all our works You have done for us.” (Isa 26:12)

Some Evangelism Partners will face burdensome environments, and encounter hardships in your careers or family lives. However, these difficult situations are done in God’s hand because He will establish shalom for you. When you take up such spiritual knowledge and hold on to the powerful promise, the shalom of God will fill your souls and spirits, which enables you to see things being done according to His perfect will. Such spiritual insights will also empower you to receive healing and renewal wholistically. 

  1. Association Members

“There were many coming and going, and they had no time even to eat. So He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to an isolated place and rest awhile.’” (Mar 6:31) 

Some Association Members could not stop spinning because your bodies work like tops and you are screaming and crying in your spirits. Facing piles of works makes you feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Only when you go away to an isolated place and rest awhile with Yeshua will you receive complete rest both physically and spiritually and will your sensitivity to God’s words be sharpened. Please go into the inner chambers and meet the precious Lord in your precious time! Only with rest in your spirits will you gain shalom and stability and renew your strength. Once you go back to the same piles of works, you are empowered to keep running the heavenly races with clarity, productivity and sense of direction.