📣 Voice of Burning Bush 48

12 May, 2022 

The BBPN Apostolic & Prophetic Team received the prophetic words from the throne room of God as below. Let us intercede for all Central Asian Ministry Partners in unity. May the kingdom of God come and may His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!  Amen.

  1. Children’s Ministry 

“Amen, amen I tell you, he who puts his trust in Me, the works that I do he will do; and greater than these he will do, because I am going to the Father.” (Jhn 14:12, TLV) 

This is the season to receive the gift of faith. Your eyes will move from focusing on the earthly things to the things in heaven. You will no longer be perplexed in troubles, but you know that everything is in God’s hands and perfect plans.  In the Name of Yeshua, we bless you with a deeper understanding of heavenly authority to do greater things for the Lord. The same Spirit that fills Yeshua will also fill you, so that you will receive the power of the Spirit by faith and you will do the work for the Lord tirelessly! 

  1. Uyghur Ministry

“And while Yeshua was in Bethany at the house of Simon ha-Metzora (the leper), reclining at the table, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive oil of pure nard. Breaking open the jar, she poured it over His head.” (Mak 14:3, TLV)

Please respond to God’s calling and come to Him with what you love and treasure most in your heart. Not only giving it all, but also breaking it so that the glorious work of the Holy Spirit can be revealed! The unity and revival that you are longing for earnestly will come along.  In this divine calling, the leaders will be the first vessels to be broken by the Lord. Be courageous to accept God’s calling, for it is glorious to be broken by Him. The presence of God will be greatly manifested when you break yourself. The rich anointing of grace, healing and deliverance will come upon you. 

  1. The Cross-Cultural Worker 

 “that the God of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, our glorious Father, may give you spiritual wisdom and revelation in knowing Him.” (Eph 1:17, TLV)

The will of God and many intercessions for you are all wrapped up like a parcel in the spiritual realm, waiting to be opened. In the Name of Yeshua, we bless you with the spirit of wisdom and revelation from God. In His timing, you will see God’s will and the way ahead unwrapped. Please declare God’s will for yourself by faith, and use your God-given wisdom to tread on the Promised Land.  Align with God to enter into His presence at all times during this season, and do not look at the circumstances.