From PC, Yunlin Taiwan – TW036 Prayer Altar

December 5, 2022

High-Heel Wedding Church Christmas Festival Prayer Booths

It was my first outreach experience with Burning Bush Prayer Network. My original motivation was to practice my evangelism skills. I also felt that being a local here, I should not say no to local evangelism work. The local churches have organised similar activities before but the results were not as expected. Therefore, most people do not want to participate in street evangelism anymore. However, this time the online RPG (Revival Prayer Groups) gatherings beforehand focused on communications, expectations and prayers, which was unlike my previous experiences with similar ministries. 

The event changed from two booths in the beginning as planned to four booths in the end, and my attitude also shifted from ‘giving it a try’ at the onset to being ‘really hopeful’. Pastor Jamie guided us with great faith, which made me look forward to the day of the event increasingly. The four booths included SwirlBunBun Cinnamon Rolls Booth, Free Red Envelopes Draw Booth, The Full Blessing Prayer Booth, and Miracles Healing Station. On the day, we first served the people who came in to draw a red envelope with prophetic cards, then invited them to The Full Blessing Prayer Booth or Miracles Healing Station. 

At first, we estimated that fewer people would visit The Full Blessing Prayer Booth and Miracles Healing Station, but I found out it was not much fewer. For two and a half hours in the morning when I served at The Full Blessing Prayer Booth, I was explaining The Full Blessing to people one after another one without taking any breaks. The locals also waited in line patiently. When it was their turn, their eyes were widely opened and they were eager to sit down, which made me glad! 

I serviced on the Booth nonstop during the morning until Pastor Jamie asked me to rest. After lunch, I was assigned to the Free Red Envelopes Draw Booth. The people who received the free red envelopes were also very happy and responded positively without any embarrassment. I found serving on the ministry team really enjoyable this time. Next time I hope to be more proactive during the planning stage as well to win the lost souls for our Lord!