From YH, Taoyuan, Taiwan – TW022 Prayer Altar

27 November 2019

💎 “I have set Adonai always before me. Since He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. So my heart is glad and my soul rejoices. My body also rests secure.”(Psm 16:8-9, TLV)

💎”Delight yourself in Adonai, and He will give you the requests of your heart. Commit your way to Adonai. Trust in Him, and He will do it.” (Psm 37:4-5, TLV)

I had always been a half Christian and trying to overcome difficulties in my life by my own strength. Several years ago, in order to have a second baby, I tried high-end medical treatments but failed countless times. Since then, I even suffered from immune system disorders and severe insomnia. I could not fall asleep without taking sleeping pills.

The Holy Spirit gently called me back to the family of God when I was exhausted both physically and mentally. Hence, I sought God eagerly once more. The Holy Spirit filled me greatly in every Sunday service and I could not help but shed tears. I deeply felt the comfort of God and all of my sorrows were healed. My insomnia also improved and I do not need to fall asleep by taking any medicine now.

Pastor Jamie invited me to join BBPN as a Praying Priest this July, so I began to learn how to pray diligently and I am filled with the Holy Spirit every day! In August, I found pregnant with the second baby with great joy! My baby grows in my womb by listening to my sounds of prayers, worship and praise every day!

My heart is full of gratitude to God. He not only has the power to heal, but also deliver when we pray and entrust ourselves to Him with all our mind and all our soul. Hallelujah!