Rev. Constantine Michailidis – Yeshua Tsidkenu Russian Messianic Fellowship

“Our congregation in Sydney, Australia has been blessed by the prayers and ministry of BBPN. We have received encouragement and guidance from those who have lifted us up in prayer before the Lord.”

The history of the church has shown that it is prayer and especially intercessory prayer that is the great mover of God’s Kingdom on earth.

This is what we should expect because our Lord taught us to pray, ‘Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven’.

Our congregation in Sydney, Australia has been blessed by the prayers and ministry of BBPN.  We have received encouragement and guidance from those who have lifted us up in prayer before the Lord. We see the Lord’s hand on Jamie and her prayer teams.

Rev. Constantine (Kostya) Michailidis

Yeshua Tsidkenu Russian Messianic Jewish Fellowship,

Sydney, Australia

27 November 2018

” Israel Prayer Movement”  Indigenous Ministry Partner