- James W. Goll (2001,2009). The Coming Israel Awakening: Gazing into the Future of the Jewish People and the Church. Grand Rapids, MI : Chosen Books.
- Basilea Schlink (1995). Israel My Chosen People. Darmstadt, Germany and Radlett, England: Kanaan Publications / Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary.
- Michael L Brown (1990). Our Hands Are Stained with Blood. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image.
- Michael L Brown (2011). 60 Questions Christians Ask About Jewish Belief and Practice. Bloomington, MN: Chosen Books.
- Moishe & Ceil Rosen (1998). Witnessing to Jews. San Francisco, CA: Jews for Jesus.
- Peter Tsukahira (2008). God’s Tsunami – Understanding Israel and End-time Revival. Alachua, Florida: Bridge-Logos
- Rebecca J. Brimmer and Bridge for Peace Leaders (2006). Israel and the Church: God’s Roadmap. Jerusalem, Israel: Bridge for Peace.
- Sid Roth (2007). The Incomplete Church. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image
- Miriam Ruth Malachi (2017). Treasures of Darkness. Singapore: BAC Printers
- Barry Rubin (1997). You Bring the Bagels I’ll Bring the Gospel. Clarksville, MD: Lederer Books
- Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum (2010). Jesus Was a Jew. San Antonio, TX: Ariel Ministries
- Leopold Cohn (1996). To an Ancient People — The Autobiography of Rabbi Leopold Cohn. New York, NY: Chosen People Ministries
- Randy Newman (2016). Engaging with Jewish People. Epsom, UK: The Good Book Company
- Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum (2017). Ha-Mashiach The Messiah off the Hebrew Scriptures. San Antonio, TX: Ariel Ministries.
- Supernatural or Just Remarkable? write at promises.israel@gmail.com
- BBPN Youtube Channel
- The Hope – The Rebirth of Israel Documentary
- Let’s Talk – Isaiah 53 video project
- OneforIsrael Youtube Channel
School of Ministry