On June 12th 2014, three teenage Jewish boys were kidnapped and murdered in the city of Hebron. During this time there were constant missile attacks on the residents of the South of Israel, and as a result of our IDF forces searching for these three young men, many underground tunnel systems were found leading from Gaza to within Israel’s border. The Israeli government and IDF forces went on full alert to try and stop the barrage of rockets. Over 75,000 reservists were called up for duty. It was during this time frame of “Operation Protective Edge” that Ima’s Goodies was started. Ima’s Goodies thought it was so important for the soldiers to know that believers living here in the land as well as Christians from around the world love and support them.
Each week Ima’s Goodies deliver as many as 40-50 homemade cakes along with cold drinks and snacks. Many of these soldiers are on small bases or outposts that have no kiosks (small convenience stores) to purchase goodies from. Even the few drinking machines that they have are either empty or not working. Needless to say the soldiers are always elated when Ima’s Goodies arrive.
Prayer Points:
- To be able to share the Good News at the right time with the soldiers.
- Favour with the soldiers and commanders for access on the bases.
- Financial support to continue distributing the goodies to the soldiers.
- Physical strength for Renee Shmuel as she continues with a full-time job and this new ministry.