Beit Shalom Sydney is a Messianic Fellowship in Sydney, Australia. They meet together fortnightly for Bible studies from a Messianic Perspective.
Beit Shalom Sydney is Hebrew of the “House of Peace” . They are a unique fellowship made up of Jewish and Gentile people who are believers in Yeshua as the promised Messiah of Israel. Beit Shalom Sydney is part of a worldwide Messianic Jewish movement of hundreds of fellowships.
As a Messianic fellowship, they are committed to celebrating their faith in Yeshua in a way that reflects their scriptural Jewish heritage. Being a fellowship of Jews and Gentiles, they testify to the peace that God has brought into our lives through Yeshua.
Prayer Points
- Pray for anointing and covering for the leaders of this ministry.
- Pray the Lord uses Beit Shalom Sydney to bring many people including Jews and Gentiles to the knowledge and salvation of Yeshua.
- Pray Beit Shalom Sydney continues to be the salt and light among the Jewish communities.