🍞 Manna for Meditation 89

14 July, 2020

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!

💎 One thing have I asked of Adonai, that will I seek: to dwell in the House of Adonai all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of Adonai, and to meditate in His Temple.” (Psm 27:4, TLV)

💎 “But answering her, the Lord said, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and bothered about many things; but only one thing is necessary. For Miriam has chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from her.’” (Luk 10:41-42, TLV)

If you are to ask one thing from God, what would it be?  Would it be honour, wisdom, strength, healing, or some special request or help?

In Psalm 27:4, King David asked for only one nothing.  He pursued God because of his delight in communion with God.  The Hebrew word אֲבַקֵּשׁ (avakesh) translated as “I will seek” comes from the root word בָּקַשׁ (baqash), which means to seek, require, desire, demand or request.  Therefore, one thing that King David asked of God is the one thing that he desired.  Above all things, he demanded to live at home with the Heavenly Father! 

Here are three aspects of the one thing that King David asked for:  

1. To dwell in the House of the LORD all the days of his life. 

In the Old Testament, the presence of God resided in the Holy Temple. Therefore, dwelling in the House of the Lord is to be in the presence of God and enjoy God every moment. It is to live with God in His house our whole life long.  The manifest presence of God is what we ought to ask for.

2. To behold the beauty of the LORD.

This is an exercise for all earthly and heavenly worshippers to contemplate the beauty of the Lord.  In the presence of God, He is our lovingly admiration and adoration. Our eyes are fixed on Him, our hearts are captured by Him, and everything else is nothing.  

3.To meditate in His Temple. 

When Yeshua visited Martha and Miriam (Mary is the English form) at their home, Martha was distracted with much serving so she asked Yeshua to send her sister Miriam as a helper.  Yeshua said that one thing is necessary, which is to sit at His feet and learn of Him.  When we study at His feet, we learn how to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.

Let us worship Him and make Psalm 27:4 our prayer today!  

Worship song: One Thing I Ask

🙏Dear Heavenly Father, please give us the desire of You before everything else!  We long for Your ever-increasing presence in all aspects of our lives.  Help us to fix our eyes on You and gaze upon Your beauty, so our lives are never the same.  Give us the consuming pursuit of You, Your kingdom and Your righteousness, and deliver us from the anxiety and busyness caused by too much serving and doing.  In the name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.