🍞 Manna for Meditation 84

9 June, 2020

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!

💎 “Blessed is he whose transgression (pesha) is forgiven; whose sin (chata’ah) is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity (avon), and in whose spirit there is no deceit. (Psm 32:1-2, NKJV)

Psalm 32 is an evangelistic Psalm written by King David, and the first two verses were quoted by Apostle Paul when addressing the fundamental truth of being justified by faith not by works in Romans 4:7-8. Like the Sermon on the Mount, this Psalm begins with beatitudes. Psalm 1 is the first Psalm of benediction and Psalm 32 is the second which details the cause of holy blessedness.

In Psalm 32:1-2, King David uses three Hebrew words to describe “sin”, and all types of sins can be forgiven through the priceless sacrifice that Yeshua had paid.

1. Sin: חֲטָאָה (chata’ah)

In English Bible translations, the Hebrew word most translated as “sin” is חֲטָאָה (chata’ah). It is derived from the root word חָטָא (chata’) meaning to miss the mark, goal, path, right or duty, hence to sin. חֲטָאָה (chata’ah) is a mistake or an offense.

2. Transgression: פֶּשַׁע (pesha)

Another word translated as “transgression” is פֶּשַׁע (pesha) which means defection or rebellion against God. It can be used to describe a national, moral, or religious revolt. Therefore, it appears to be a stronger word than חֲטָאָה (chata’ah).

3. Iniquities: עָוֹן (avon)

The last word is עָוֹן (avon) and it is usually translated as “iniquities” in English Bible. עָוֹן (avon) is perversity, depravity, or guilt. It is to do wrong willfully or to act perversely, hence a deprived action or a crime.

No matter it is our hidden faults or willful sins (Psm 19:12-13), pardoning mercy is the only and sure way to happiness. In verse 1, the word translated “forgiven” comes from a root word נָשָׂא (nasa) meaning to lift up, to bear up, to carry off or to take away!

We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23), yet we know that Yeshua is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! (Jhn 1:29, 1Jn 3:5) Happy are those whose defection or rebellion against God is lifted up and carried off through Yeshua, and happy are those whom God holds nothing against also through Yeshua!

🙏Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You for sending Yeshua to save us. Yeshua was pierced for our פֶּשַׁע (pesha: transgressions) and crushed for our עָוֹן (avon: iniquities). He bore the sin for many and His atonement is making an end of our sins. We pray for 2-3 billion people who never heard the name of Yeshua or read the Bible in this world. Please raise up evangelists, church planters, and committed believers to reach the 7,000 unreached people groups, and we will continue to pray, advocate, serve and share until Yeshua comes back again! In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.