🍞 Manna for Meditation 184

10 May, 2022

💎  “Pray constantly.” (1Th 5:17) 

The Word of God commands us to pray constantly (1Th 5:17) and to pray in the Spirit on every occasion (Eph 6:18). Each one of us needs a fresh awakening and new anointing to put our prayer lives back on track, especially when we are overwhelmed by countless challenges and endless struggles in life. Prayer is never a religious action or performance. Prayer is making conversation and communion with our loving Abba Father. When we are full of love for Him, nothing can keep us from running into His arms to pour out our hearts to Him! 

  1. Start our every day with Abba Father! 

“Adonai, in the morning You hear my voice. In the morning I order my prayer before You and watch expectantly.” (Psm 5:4, TLV) What do you do first thing in the morning before rushing out to work, study or exercise besides brushing your teeth, washing your face, and eating your breakfast? We often easily rush through various activities without having face-to-face Quality Time with our dear Abba Father. It is a big loss to begin our day without any Words and blessings from Him directly. 

  1. Spend our every day with Abba Father! 

“Rejoice always, pray constantly, in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Messiah Yeshua.” (1Th 5:16-18) A spirit of dependence should permeate throughout the day. Even when we do not speak to Abba Father consciously, a deep dependence on Him is the core of our belief.  A child always depends on his father. It will be very strange if a child says good morning to his dad, and then ignores him the rest of the day! 

  1. End our every day with Abba Father!

Whenever I sit down or stand up, You know it. You discern my thinking from afar.You observe my journeying and my resting and You are familiar with all my ways.” (Psm 139:2-3, TLV) When we lean on Abba Father all the time and call unto Him repeatedly and often, we will come to Him during the day and close our day with Him too! Spontaneous prayer is needed, and disciplined times of prayer are also crucial. Let us enjoy making conversations with Abba Father both spontaneously and hour-by-hour during the day, as well as His good night kiss before going to bed! 

🙏 Dear Father, please deepen our dependence on You, enhance our prayer life, and put our prayer life back on track. May your love draw us near to you and increase our desire for a loving and continual communion with You. We long to dwell in your presence, live a life that combines discipline – regular times of prayer – with spontaneous encounters with You.  Help us to pray unceasingly day and night, start our day with You, spend our day with You and end our day with You! In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.