🍞 Manna for Meditation 183

3 May, 2022

💎 “The Lord gives the word—a great company of women proclaims the good news.” (Psm 68:12, TLV) 

We wish all the mothers an early Happy Mother’s Day! The Spirit of God is rebuilding and restoring women these days, and the seed of women is God’s powerful weapon to crush the worldly kingdom under the control of satan (Gen 3:15)!  The Lord is raising many more Deborahs to enter into apostolic and prophetic ministries to transform our societies and nations (Jug 5:7). 

Women are created in God’s image, after His likeness. The Lord is raising more spiritual mothers to nurture spiritual sons and daughters, and to live as great examples of honor and devoutness in this time. However, we normally think that women’s role is just to be helpers, so the command in Genesis 1:28 is for men to finish by themselves. In fact, God says to both men and women, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the land, and conquer it. Rule over the fish of the sea, the flying creatures of the sky, and over every animal that crawls on the land.” Our God is restoring women’s authority and gift of governing to respond to His will and calling. The Garden of Eden needs both Adam and Eve to work together and to guard it. 

“Then Adonai Elohim said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. Let Me make a well-matched helper for him.’” (Gen 2:18)  We normally think that women should clean the houses, prepare meals and look after children, so the men can do more important things with much more free time. However, the word helper in Hebrew is“עֵזֶר  (ezer)”, not“  עֶבֶד (ebed) ”. “Ebed”means servants, and“ezer” is a military term which is often used to describe God Himself as the helper of Israel. The word “ezer” occurs 21 times in the Old Testament. It refers to Eve twice, depicts Israel’s alliance with other nations 3 times, and describes God Himself 16 times. Our God calls Eve “ezer”, and then uses the same word to introduce Himself. He is a strong and powerful helper to relieve His people and deliver them from all troubles. Women are created to be like Him as strong and powerful helpers! 

“Well-matched” in Hebrew is“נֶגֶד (neged)” meaning opposite, in front, or parallel to.  It is often used to describe when two persons or two things pair together as a team. Therefore, Eve is created to pair together with Adam as a strong and powerful helper. She is not created to serve Adam as a humble maidservant. Eve, as a well-matched helper for Adam, is able to stand in front or opposite to Adam, helps him in difficult times, and works together to accomplish his goals. Women are paired with men to defeat the enemies side by side, and to work together for the same calling hand in hand. As we are celebrating Mother’s Day, let us pray for the accurate depiction of biblical womanhood being restored and revealed!  

🙏 Dear Father, thank You for giving us biological and spiritual mothers in our lives. Their sacrificial love and strong commitment give us mother figures to demonstrate your love and help us comprehend your full image. We pray that all mothers are raised up to proclaim your Good News and fulfill your ultimate calling in their lives.  In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen. 

*Notes: Reflections on reading The Apostolic Women by Linda Heidler and Chuck D. Pierce.