🍞 Manna for Meditation 178

29 March, 2022

💎 “Therefore, first of all I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all people— for kings and all who are in authority—so we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and respectfulness. This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour.  He desires all men to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth.” (1Ti 2:1-4, TLV)

Ramadan 2022 begins in the evening of Saturday, 2 April, and ends before nightfall on Sunday, 1 May. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and it is widely observed by Muslims around the world.  It is a month of fasting (sawm), prayer, reflection, giving and community. Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, and all adult Muslims will fast from sunrise and to sunset. Muslims believe that the spiritual rewards (thawab) of fasting will be multiplied in this important month. 

During Ramadan, Muslims are more aware of spiritual matters. Therefore, it is a critical time for Christians worldwide to unite together in prayer for the salvation of our Muslim friends or neighbours. In the H2Z Prayer Movement (From Mountains of Heaven to Mount Zion), BBPN is dedicated to praying especially for the Muslims in Central Asian. Through the annual participation of 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, We also enlarge our prayerful territory to cover the Muslims worldwide. We encourage you to join the millions of Christians in this significant prayer focus on the Muslim world this year! Mark your calendar, use the 30 Days prayer booklet or read the daily prayer online. Our prayers will push the darkness away and change the spiritual atmosphere for preparing the way for Yeshua!

If you are interested, please take some time to read the testimonies from our Praying Priests about their experiences of this prayer movement. Some of our Praying Priests are former Muslims from Central Asia, and their stories shed great light for our prayers and really touch our hearts. May you inherit a double portion of their earnestness to pray for the salvation of Muslims this year! 

🙏 Dear Father, thank you for calling us to participate with the millions of Christians worldwide to pray for the Muslim World for 30 days in April. Please open our hearts to feel how You love the Muslims, and increase our zeal to pray for their salvation consistently. Please empower us so we may stand in the gap and intercede for them day and night.  When we pray, please make a way for our Indigenous Ministry Partners in Central Asia and any Christians who live in the Muslim nations, so they may make wonderful friendship with the Muslims, demonstrate your great love, share gospel with them, and bring them to your son Yeshua.  Please reveal your Son Yeshua powerfully through visions and dreams, so the Muslims will no longer be in doubt but run into the arms of Yeshua! We pray for a greater harvest in the Muslim World.  In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.