🍞 Manna for Meditation 172

15 February, 2022

💎 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Act 1:8)

  • Our Mission: To mobilise global missions empowered by a prayer movement. 
  • Our Vision: To connect global teams and resources for establishing a prayer and mission platform that transforms all nations. 
  • Our Slogan: Everyone Can Pray. Everyone Can Preach the Gospel. Everyone Can Lead Souls to Yeshua. 
  • Our Prayer Movement: From Mountains of Heaven to Mount Zion (H2Z). 
  • Our 2022: Year to Arise and Shine!

BBPN is not only called by God to see Him face to face for enjoying His glorious presence in the chamber, but also is entrusted with the divine task to share the love of Messiah in the world.  BBPN is not an inward-looking community, which cares for the prophetic visions and spiritual revelations or experiences only. BBPN is an outward-looking network that goes into the people groups to make disciples of all nations.  BBPN arises to pray, arises for mission, and shines for God’s glory. 

We understand the limitations for everyone to go to all nations immediately, especially during the pandemic. Therefore, here are our strategies to transform all nations. 

  1. Jerusalem:  We are committed to serving God and serving people in the local churches. We receive training and we are mobilised to serve in any capacity that we can. 
  2. All Judea and Samaria: We bring the presence of God beyond four walls of the local church buildings. We participate in regional or national evangelistic campaigns and outreach events, such as Christmas Endless Love, Love Family Angels Act…etc. 
  3. The Ends of the Earth: We connect and partner with 17 Central Asian and Israeli Ministry Partners by our potent and faithful prayers, which fuel and empower all our Indigenous Ministry Partners to lead the Unreached People Groups in Central Asia and the Jewish people to Messiah.

We understand that the Great Commission is never a solo show. It is a great teamwork from the Body of Messiah.  We are privileged to be part of this glorious calling and we are committed to prayer and mission until Yeshua returns.  

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we are not merely intercessors who hide to enjoy prayer time only, we are also called as the mighty warriors of the Lamb for saving the lost souls in the end times. Please set us on fire for praying fervently and for reaching out to the needy urgently. Time is short, the urgency is great, and we will keep praying and evangelising! In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.