🍞 Manna for Meditation 171

8 February, 2022

💎 “The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it. The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out.” (Lev 6:12-13, TLV)

In the natural realm, it is frustrating to see the flames of a bonfire dying out if we do not solve the underlying problem and try so hard to relight the fire constantly. In the spiritual realm, God commands us to keep the fire burning on the altar continuously. The fire must be kept burning bright and it must not go out. To keep a fire burning is a cycle and a spiritual discipline. 

  1. Remove any excess ashes.  (Lev 6:10-11)

Excess ashes can pile up and impede new firewood burning properly and quickly. Excess ashes can also be a potential risk to our health. In Leviticus 6:10-11, the priest is required to remove the ashes of the burning offering and carry the ashes outside the camp. Are there any excess ashes in our lives that may hinder us from being on fire for God, such as hurts, past experiences, unforgiveness, bad habits, addictions, willful sins or hidden faults? 

  1. Replenish the firewood for fire every morning. (Lev 6:12)

If the fire seems to die out, we must continue to resupply new firewood to create more flames and heat. In Leviticus 6:12, the priest is commanded to add firewood every morning. To keep our fire burning longer and brighter, we have to check the fire on a daily basis and add new firewood to draw a larger flame. What do you do every morning before rushing out to catch a bus or train for work and studies? Do you spend Quality Time with God to sing praises and thanksgiving, read and meditate on His Word, and pray every morning? 

  1. Arrange the burnt offering and fellowship offerings. (Lev 6:13)

The purpose to remove excess ashes and add new firewood is to arrange the burnt offering and fellowship offerings. A burnt offering is a sacrifice of atonement, which is an acknowledgement of our sin nature and a request for renewed relationship with God. The ultimate fulfillment of the burning offering is in Yeshua’s sacrifice on the cross. A fellowship offering or peace offering, is a voluntary sacrifice given to God to say thanks and praise Him for His goodness, to go alongside with a fulfilled vow, or to thank Him for His deliverance in time of need. Have you offered the burnt offering and fellowship offerings to God today? 

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, we admit that sometimes we are choked on our daily routines, busyness and exhaustion, and we allow our fires to die out as days go by. Please remove all the hindrances in our lives, help us to focus and give You our full attention, and renew our intimate relationship with You. Set us on fire again! In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.