🍞 Manna for Meditation 159

16 November, 2021

💎 “These all died in faith without receiving the things promised—but they saw them and welcomed them from afar, and they confessed that they were strangers and sojourners on the earth. For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If indeed they had been thinking about where they had come from, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they yearn for a better land—that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.” (Heb 11:13-16, TLV)

Recently we heard some sad news of Chinese pastors’ passing due to COVID-19 in East Asia and North America. One pastor even died when leading the morning prayer meeting just the next day right after taking vaccines. Although we may not know them personally, we are greatly encouraged by their faith in Yeshua HaMashiach. Are we supposed to die in faith? We shouldn’t die if we have enough faith, should we?  We shouldn’t get sick if we have enough faith, should we?  

  1. The trial of our faith is in the imperfection of our existing predicament. (v13) The patriarchs had not received the things promised, they had not yet inherited the land of Canaan, and they had not yet seen the Messiah in the flesh! BUT their hope and joy lied in the promises of God rather than in actual possession and enjoyment. 
  1. Faith has a clear and strong eye to see the promised blessings at a great distance. (v13) Abraham, Father of the Faith, saw Messiah’s day when it was far off, and he rejoiced. (Jhn 8:56) Faith ensures that God is true; faith settles and satisfies our souls.
  1. The men and women of faith have the proper attitude and perspective of life. (v13-14) We are only strangers and pilgrims here on earth. Although we are satisfied to dwell in the temporary tents, they are not our home. We are looking for our permanent home, which is the dwelling with God in heaven. Therefore, we are able to keep company with our fellow-travellers, endure the difficulties and challenges, and long to get home. 
  1. We are given the promises of the kingdom of God. (v15-16) Abraham looked for that city which was made and built by God. He knew by heart that he belonged to the heavenly kingdom, and he was a citizen of the heavenly kingdom.  Therefore, he didn’t turn back, and he continued to journey on in obedience to God. 
  1. We are given the gracious and great reward of our faith. (v16) God is not ashamed to be our God, so we can cry Abba Father. Faith gives us an interest in God’s fullness. Let us be mindful of not being a shame to our God, and let us encourage one another to glorify His Name in our days on earth. 

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, we desire true and stronger faith in the Messiah. We not only live by the faith of your promises, but we are also willing to die in faith one day. We admit that we are transients in this world, and we are longing for our true home in heaven. Thank You for being proud of us, and we want to make You a proud Abba Father too. In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.