🍞 Manna for Meditation 149

7 September, 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 “and they will see ‘the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. He will send out His angels with a great shofar, and they will gather together His chosen from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”  (Mat 24:30b-31, TLV) 

L’Shana Tova!  Wish you a victorious and glorious New Year! 

This year the fall feasts of Israel all happen in September, which is our Month of Praise! Rosh Hashanah began yesterday evening and it will end at sundown tomorrow. Rosh Hashanah literally means the head of the year in Hebrew, and it is also known as Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets in the Bible. Traditionally, the Jewish people eat sweet food to celebrate, such as apples dipped in honey, pomegranates, apple cakes and honey cakes to wish everyone a sweet and good New Year! 

At Rosh Hashanah, blowing the shofar is to spiritually awaken us and prepare us for the High Holidays (10 days) from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). We will hear three kinds of blast.  

  • Tekiah  תְּקִיעָה :A sustained signifying a call to come before the King
  • Shevarim שְׁבָרִים :A staccato sound of three short notes signifying a call to repentance
  • Teruah תְּרוּעָה :Several short blasts to alarm us signifying a call to wake up (be on the alert). It is closed with the Tekiah Gedolah גּדולה  תְּקִיעָה which is a sustained and final blast, the final trump signifying we have arrived at the coronation of King Messiah

All the Lord’s appointed times point us to Messiah Yeshua (Gal 3:24, Col 2:17, Rom 10:4).  In the High Holidays, let us continue to praise the Holy Spirit for leading us into all truth and celebrating the festivals with biblical perspectives! 

🙏 Dear Father, thank You for calling us to come before You again today! We praise You for You are the giver of life.  Thank You for caring for us from the beginning of year up to the end of the year. In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You.  Amen!