🍞 Manna for Meditation 147

24 August, 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” (Luk 11:1)

The twelve disciples followed Yeshua closely every day and they discovered that His prayer life was powerful and alive. One disciple made a very short yet life-changing prayer by asking Him, “Lord, teach us to pray!” Then the Lord demonstrated the prayer, which is known as The Lord’s Prayer. No matter how long we have devoted our lives to the ministry of prayer and intercession, such humble prayer made by the disciple is a good reminder to all of us today. Let us review the seven keys to prayer in The Lord’s Prayer together. 

  1. Relationship (Mat 5:9a): Prayer rises out of the love relationship with God our Father in Messiah. Be alert and check if you are still tormented by the orphan spirit. If so, cast out the orphan spirit in Yeshua’s name and ask the Holy Spirit to pour out Father’s love on you. 
  2. Worship (Mat 5:9b): After finding our true identity in Messiah, we respond with the revelation of God’s glorious name. Let us declare the names of God that are particular to a certain situation or needs. 
  3. Lordship (Mat 5:10): Wherever the Lord reigns, there is His kingdom and He has the final say. Check if there is any area in your life that you have to submit to His lordship, so you do not have to suffer in vain! 
  4. Sonship (Mat 5:11-12):  The first three keys all focus on God Himself.  From the fourth to seventh keys, Yeshua teaches us how to pray for our personal needs as the children of God. Being God’s children, we do not need to beg. We just have to give thanks to Him and praise Him for our daily bread (food) and our debts being forgiven (forgiveness)!
  5. Fellowship (Mat 5:12b): After receiving complete forgiveness from our Father, we are filled by His love and empowered to forgive others. Unforgiveness poisons our body, mind and spirit. Is there anyone you need to forgive today? 
  6. Leadership (Mat 5:13a): From the first day when we stepped in the kingdom of light, we never stopped facing spiritual warfare. Therefore, Yeshua teaches us to pray for God’s leading and protection to prevail against Satan, the worldly value system and our own flesh.
  7. Ownership (Mat 5:13b): Recognising the ownership of God over every aspect of our life and not stealing His glory is the last key in The Lord’s Prayer. All true prayer moves towards Messiah’s ownership over all things. 

The Lord’s Prayer begins with worship and praises, and it also ends with worship and praises. As we are preparing to enter BBPN’s Month of Praise in September and Rosh Hashanah on 7 September, let us meditate on The Lord’s Prayer and say this prayer every day! 

Let us worship God together with this song created on Rosh Hashanah 5776 during prayer walking – The Lord’s Prayer.

🙏 Dear Father, no matter how many miracles and wonders we encountered through our prayer ministry before, we humble ourselves again today, give all glories to You and ask You to teach us to pray!  Reveal to us the treasures in The Lord’s Prayer and strengthen our prayers to satisfy Your heart. In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You. Amen!