🍞 Manna for Meditation 146

17 August, 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Mat 5:6, TLV)

We are ushering in Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) 5782 in three weeks, and we have started the process of thinking, contemplating and reflecting on biblical teachings, scriptures or sermons since last week.  Spiritual reflection matures our faith, stimulates practices by applying the Word of God, and transforms our daily life!  Therefore, let us go back to the basics. If necessary, reset our daily schedule to align with His purpose, especially when we live in an information explosion era. 

All kinds of noises happening around us cover our spiritual ears and numb our spiritual senses. The daily busy schedule steals our time of prayer and diminishes the quality of our devotion. The fast food culture hinders us from sitting at the Master’s feet and listening to His teaching. Yes, they are all very true.  In fact, no one can easily escape from such daily battles. However, there is hope and there is good news! Whatever our God reveals, He will deal with it!  If we are willing, He is more than happy to walk us through the process of realignment. 

Let us bow down before God and admit that we are overwhelmed by the worldly disturbances.  Pray for a greater hunger to be stirred from the core of our heart. Ask for a greater desire to hear God’s gentle and small voice, which resonates and vibrates in our spirit, so our body, mind and spirit are restored to honour Him and mirror the image of God from glory to glory.  Receive His glory, enter His glory, enjoy and immerse ourselves in His glory.  It all starts from the basics – being hungry and thirsty for Him! 

Let us worship Him – He Binds the Broken Hearted

🙏 Dear Father, You are the God of all grace. Thank You for calling us into your eternal glory in Messiah. Thank You for restoring, supporting, strengthening and establishing us (1Pe 5:10-11).  We need You more than ever, and we are hungry and thirsty for everything about You!  Please draw us near to You and increase our desire to have all of You by taking up our cross every day. In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You.  Amen!