🍞 Manna for Meditation 144

3 August, 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.” (Mal 4:6, NKJV)

💎 “So I desire all men to pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without anger and argument.” (1Ti 2:8, TLV)

♥️I love my dad, and my dad loves me!

🙏I pray for my dad every day, and he prays for me every day!

Most countries around the world celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June. However, Father’s Day is widely observed on 8 August, the eighth day of the eighth month of the year in Taiwan. Number eight is pronounced as bā in Mandarin Chinese, which is quite similar to the character 爸 () meaning “Pa” or “dad”.  Therefore, the 8th day of the 8th month (bābā) sounds closer to the colloquial word “bàbà”, which stands for “dad”.  “88 Day” is Father’s Day! 

Father is the head of every home.  A good father not only provides for his family, but also plays a significant role to reflect the right image of our heavenly father and His unconditional love.  Therefore, this year we are promoting the Good Dad’s Prayer Movement among all families. Our slogan is I pray for my dad every day, and my dad prays for me every day! 

Let us honour our father with heartfelt prayers. You may consider writing down your prayers, sending a text message with your prayer to your dad, or give him a call and say a prayer of blessing over him on the phone. Let your dad know that you love him dearly and you pray for him everyday, so he is refreshed and raised by the heavenly Father as a man of prayer and prays for you every day! When the father prays, surely the whole family is blessed! 

But for some of us, celebrating Father’s Day might be a big challenge to you. Maybe you grew up without a father, with an abusive father, or with an irresponsible father.  Or perhaps He is no longer living and you feel fatherless now. Even so, do not forget that our heavenly Father is always there for you. He desires to embrace you as His own sons and daughters, and you can always run into His arms of love whenever you need to! 

🙏 Dear Father, today we want to honour You by honouring our earthly fathers.  Thank You for demonstrating Your love, protection and care through our fathers. May You bless our earthly fathers with Your love and wisdom, and raise them as mighty men of prayer for Your kingdom.  We also choose to forgive our earthly fathers for causing any disappointments or hurts in our lives, and we release all the unpleasant memories into your hands.  Please heal us, turn the hearts of our fathers to us, and turn our hearts to them.  In the name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.