🍞 Manna for Meditation 140

6 July, 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 “For I am not ashamed of the Good News, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who trusts—to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  (Rom 1:16, TLV)

Praise God for doing new things among us. From June, we partner with Chosen People Ministries Taiwan  and co-lead two weekly Chinese RPGs (Revival Prayer Groups) to pray for the revival of Jewish people around the world. The sound of our powerful and unified prayer online is shaking heaven and the earth! Hallelujah!  In July, we will share the key Bible verses used to proclaim God’s precious promises in Manna for Meditation. Please meditate on the Word of God, treasure them in your heart, always pray for Israel, and not give up until we all say, “Baruch haba b’shem Adonai.  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Mat 23:39) to welcome Yeshua’s second coming with joy and hope! 

  1.  Pray that the Veil is Taken Away 

“But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Ruach Adonai (Spirit of the Lord) is, there is freedom.” (2Co 3:16-17, TLV)

This is probably one of the most popular verses to many Christians, and we even have lots of worship songs singing about it.  However, to put it in context, Apostle Paul depicts the greater glory of the New Covenant and mentions the lifting of the veil only found in Messiah for the salvation of the Jewish people. Next time when we read or sing these two  verses, do not forget to pray for the Jewish people.  May their veils be removed by God, so they will turn to Him face-to-face as Moses did. 

  1. Pray against the Wrong Theologies 

“I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their false step salvation has come to the Gentiles, to provoke Israel to jealousy. Now if their transgression leads to riches for the world, and their loss riches for the Gentiles, then how much more their fullness!” (Rom 11:11-12, TLV)

Wrong theology kills.  The first killer is Replacement Theology which in another term is supersessionism. Replace Theology holds a view that the Church is the new or true Israel and it permanently replaced Israel as the chosen people of God. This wrong theology has fuelled the worldwide anti-Semitism and caused dreadful aftermaths in our history. Another killer is Two-Covenant Theology which believes that the Old Covenant remains valid for the Jewish people, whereas the New Covenant only applies to the gentiles. To an extent, the Jewish people do not need salvation through our Messiah. Therefore, we are not obligated to share the Good News with any Jewish people.  Wrong theology kills! Let us be vigilant and not repeat the mistakes!

🙏 Dear Father, thank You for leaving Your precious Word to us, so our hearts are open to the Truth.  We are called to pray for the revival of Israel, and we are committed to praying until their veils are removed to recognise Your Son as the Messiah!  On behalf of the Church throughout history, we repent from our sins of believing in the wrong theologies which caused much pain and loss to Your people.  O Lord, forgive us and give us the opportunities to redeem the time that was lost, so we may get ready to share the hope of our heart to the Jewish friends and neighbours.  In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.