🍞 Manna for Meditation 139

29 June, 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power and love and self-discipline.” (2Ti 1:6-7, TLV)

Praise God that we have come to the last two days of fasting and prayer season.  Congratulations on your faithfulness and persistence in seeking God’s face wholeheartedly (MFM136), taking up your cross to follow Yeshua (MFM137), submitting to God, resisting the devil and drawing yourself close to Him (MFM138).  

As fasting and prayer season ends tomorrow, it is vital for us to sustain the fire that was ignited in us and to keep the fire burning. Do not allow our daily routines and busy schedule to quench the fire in our hearts. 

  1. Feed the Fire – Draw Close to God   

To keep the fire burning bright, let us start with the basics – make the regular communion with God our first priority.  Every day, draw near to God through devotion, prayer, worship, Bible reading, meditating on God’s Word, journaling…. etc. Whenever the fire in our heart dwindles, we can always run to Him to be rekindled. Even sometimes when we fail, do not forget that His love never fails, and His grace never short-changes us. Our golden key is “Yeshua loves me this I know!”  (1Co 2:1-2, Jhn 15:7)

  1. Gather the Fire – Establish Prayer Partnership  

The weak, the broken and the lonely animal is the easy target for a hungry lion!  If our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, searching for someone to devour (1Pe 5:8), we are safer to stay in the midst of a herd!  Let us establish our prayer partnership and a community support system.  Stay in the RPG (Revival and Prayer Group) for gathering the fire together and keeping each other accountable. (Ecc 6:9-10, 1Pe 4:7-10)

  1. Spread the Fire – Serve God and Serve People 

“Do not be lagging in zeal; be fervent in spirit. Keep serving the Lord.”(Rom 12:11, TLV)

To keep the fire of revival and prayer burning, we have to spread the fire by serving God and serving people diligently.  Let us be the hands and feet of Yeshua, follow His example to serve not to be served (Mar 10:45), and we will find that God’s love in action increases the fire inside of us supernaturally! 

🙏 Dear Father, thank You for working miraculously among us during the fasting and prayer season, and thank You for all the enlightenments, healings and breakthroughs in our lives, families, workplaces and ministries.  Please baptise us with Your Holy Spirit and fire again! Send the fire to put our hearts on fire, so we may carry the fire and spread the fire! In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.