🍞 Manna for Meditation 122

2 March, 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 Now the headwaiter did not know where it had come from, but the servants who had drawn the water knew. As the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, he calls the bridegroom and says to him, ‘Everyone brings out the good wine first, and whenever they are drunk, then the worse. But you’ve reserved the good wine until now!’ Yeshua did this, the first of the signs, in Cana of the Galilee—He revealed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.” (Jhn 2:9-12, TLV)

Life transformation begins from our heart, and the genuine transformation inspires us to love God and love people.  Love covers over a multitude of sins, and love creates miracles!  After reviewing the first three Love Languages – Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch and Quality Time, today we will look at how Yeshua shows His care and love by the forth Love Language – Receiving Gifts.  

4.  Receiving Gifts  

John 2:1-12 details the first miracle that Yeshua performed at the wedding in the village of Cana in Galilee.  Yeshua, his mother and his disciples were all invited to this joyous occasion to celebrate the uniting in marriage between the bridge and groom.  Next, Yeshua was told the problem of running out of wine at the wedding party!  This was probably a major social mistake because the newlyweds failed to provide enough food or drink for the guests.  In addition, wine was considered a symbol of joy of that day.  Running out of wine not only brought social embarrassment to the couple, but it might also disappoint all the guests. 

Yeshua cared about the situation, and in His own timing, He ordered the servants to fill the six stone jars which were used for the Jewish ritual of purification with water. Although the master of the feast had no idea what happened behind the scenes, the finest wine turned from the plain water amazed him truly. Therefore, he made a great and public compliment to the bridegroom.  

In this wedding crisis, Yeshua “speaks” His love and care through presenting the surprise deliveries! 

In Acts 20:35, Yeshua says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” In the four Gospels, He often teaches the disciples to give to the needy freely and generously.  He even gives His own life to us as God’s gracious gift (Rom 6:23)!  

Act Today:  Show your love to any person in your family, office or school this week by giving something that he or she really wants or needs.  If you are running out of gift ideas, do not forget to ask the Holy Spirit, your best Counsellor, and He will surely direct you and answer you.  (Mat 7:7-8)

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You because You are the source of true and unconditional love.  Thank You for giving us Your beloved Son and the Holy Spirit.  Thank you for giving us every good and perfect gift (Jas 1:17) and empowering us to give out of love not out of duty!  In the name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.