🍞 Manna for Meditation 120

16 February , 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 “Above all, keep your love for one another constant, for ‘love covers a multitude of sins.’” (1Pe 4:8, TLV)

We believe the love, power and Word of God brings about life transformations and renewals, and we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to love God and love people. When we put the Love Languages into practice, love not only covers a multitude of sins but also creates miracles!  Last week we learned that Yeshua genuinely speaks the Words of Affirmation to build people up. Today let us see how Yeshua demonstrates His love through the second Love Language – Physical Touch. 

2.  Physical Touch

In the four gospels, Yeshua often touches people as an expression of His deep love. Physical touch connects the giving and receiving ends in a way that other words or gestures cannot. It creates social bonding, and it brings comfort in our relationships. 

In Mark 1, a man with leprosy came to Yeshua and begged him to make him clean. When everyone avoided the leper, Yeshua was deeply moved, put out his hand and touched him!  As the Son of God, Yeshua could just command healing from a distance without having any physical contacts with a leper to make Himself unclean. Yet, He touched the man with His hand to show His love and acceptance. 

In Mark 10, the people brought children to Yeshua, hoping He might touch them. When the disciples shooed them off, Yeshua was furious.  He gathered the children up in his arms, and He laid His hands of blessing on them! Yeshua cuddled the children close to show His love and affection. 

In addition, Yeshua touched Peter’s mother-in-law on the hand and healed her fever (Mat 8:14-15). He touched the ears and the tongue of a deaf mute to restore his hearing and speech (Mar 7:31-35).  He also touched the blind men and gave them sight (Mat 9:27-31).  

In 2021, let us together imitate Yeshua to display His love to the world! 

Act Today: During the COVID-19 pandemic, exercising Physical Touch is more challenging. Please always wear a mask and follow the social distancing precautions. For your immediate family members or those who live with you, hug facing the opposite direction no more than 10 seconds. Wash or sanitise your hands before and after. 

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You because You are the source of true and unconditional love. Thank You for loving us lavishly and empowering us to love for one another constantly. In the name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.