🍞 Manna for Meditation 115

12 January, 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 “‘Be still, and know that I am God. I am exalted among the nations. I am exalted in the earth.’ Adonai-Tzva’ot (Lord of Hosts) is with us. The God of Jacob is our strong tower. Selah” (Psm 46:10-11, TLV) 

As 2021 kicks off, the world continues turning and spinning.  Neither will it stop for the coronavirus and new variants, nor will it stop when the vaccination campaign takes effect around the world.  The reality is that we live on a spinning planet, and our lives keep rolling on.  Our various responsibilities and roles, trials and tests, life and career chores, and many other unexpected challenges day after day may suffocate us!  How do we live a balanced life before it gets overflowing?  

  1. Know that He is God

He is God, and I am not!  Let us die to our own reasoning and feelings. Do not allow the chores and busyness to steal away shalom in our heart. In Psalm 46:10, God teaches us to be still.  Being still means to relax, let be and leave off.  Put down our own opinions, presumptions and strivings.  Relax, and know that He is God and He is always in control.  When we do so, we live under grace not pressures. 

2. Let God be God

Do not run astray in our spiritual journey or allow the fast-spinning world to push us around aimlessly.  If we want to “be God”, oftentimes we tend to run before Him or run away from Him. Psalm 119:105a says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  Our problem is that in uncertainties, we have a liking for seeing through the light and knowing what is happening beforehand out of our insecurity and curiosity. But, we do not need to know all of God’s plans in advance, and we also do not need to haste to get the results.  One step at a time, and one day at a time!

When we are still and know that He is God, our God is exalted among the nations and on the earth!  He promises to be with us and He is our strong tower.   

Let us worship Him!  Be Still for the Presence of The Lord  

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, we admit that outside of You, there is no rescue or redemption.  We admit that oftentimes we get in the way.  Please help us to step out of the traffic, and take a long, loving look at You above everything.  We are willing to put down our own agendas, opinions, ambitions, plans, worries, frets and strivings, because we know that You will fight for us and protect us.  The battle belongs to You, and the victory comes from You. As many peoples and nations are still suffering now, we want to see You being exalted high through our humility and the knowledge of who You really are.  In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen!