🍞 Manna for Meditation 101

6 October, 2020

πŸ’ž Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!Β Β 

πŸ’Ž β€œ Is not this the fast I choose: to release the bonds of wickedness, to untie the cords of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to tear off every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, to bring the homeless poor into your house? When you see the naked, to cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh and blood.” (Isa 58:6-7)

After encountering God by switching our focus to Him solely during the Month of Praise in September, we continue to practice prayer and fasting in October, strike while the iron is hot!

Prayer and fasting is afflicting our souls, humbling ourselves, denying ourselves and bearing our cross. Prayer and fasting will keep our minds being renewed in the Spirit, and we will experience the love of God and share it with others. In the next few Manna for Meditations, we will review some key points from The Days of Blowing the Shofar — Prepare Yourself for Prayer and Fasting by Rev. Peter Yang.

1. Lay down our food, and choose God.

In the beginning, God creates food to feed us and for us to enjoy. Everything God creates is good; therefore, food itself is not sinful. It’s our motivation and how we eat that matters. We can choose not to eat because of our greater hunger for God.\

2. Lay down our money, and help the poor.

The fast that God chooses is to help the poor. Again, money itself is not sinful. It’s our motivations and how we use money that counts. During prayer and fasting, ask the Holy Spirit to teach us how to manage our finances. Should it be tithing (if you haven’t done so) and giving your money to alleviate poverty?

3. Lay down our busyness, and care for others.

Many times, we are too busy to come to the Lord. We are also too busy to give enough time and attention to what God instructs us to do, including care and compassion ministries. In prayer and fasting, practically we can allocate half of our time to prayers, and half of our time to conduct visitations and pray for others!

πŸ™ Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for teaching us how to pray and fast. We do not pray and fast just for the sake of doing it. We long to see You, encounter You and please You when we devote our time to sit at Your feet, listen to Your voice and talk with You. Please protect us, guide us and reveal us what is in Your heart, and grant us power, hope, and faith to act on it! In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless you, Amen.