HY – The Cross-Cultural Worker

February 18, 2021

BBPN 6th Birthday Blessings

Dear Pastor Jamie and all Prayer Priests with BBPN, shalom!

This is HY, your partner in Central Asia.  With deep appreciation to God, I especially congratulate Burning Bush Prayer Network on your  6th birthday. Happy birthday to you! At the age of six, I believe that you have passed an uneasy time, but you are full of gratitude as you see the hand of God keeping you, blessing you and providing for you constantly. I especially use Isaiah 41:15 for congratulations. ” Look, I will make you a threshing sledge, new, with sharp, double-edged spikes. You will thresh the mountains and grind them up, and will make the hills like chaff.” I thank the Lord for this verse, and I use it to bless and congratulate you too. May it be a great encouragement to both of us.

In the years to come, I do know that God will make you a threshing sledge through the prayer altars set up by all BBPN Praying Priests everywhere. You are like a threshing sledge with sharp and double-edged spikes to penetrate, break and smash all difficulties and challenges that our generation is facing with your prayer, perseverance and faithfulness. 

In particular, I want to thank you for tirelessly praying for us on the frontlines for so many years. Our ministry in Central Asia is certainly not easy. We used to feel so lonely, and we did not even know if anyone would remember us. However, through the connection with BBPN, I really know that there is a group of faithful intercessors standing before the Lord for us.  You are on the prayer watch for global missions and for various ministries from Mountains of Heaven (Tian Shan) to Mount Zion. 

Therefore, I especially ask the Lord to bless you for becoming the new threshing sledge with spikes of this generation. In the years to come, whether it is six or ten years and one generation after another, may you be a very powerful instrument in God’s hands.  As Isaiah 41:20 says, eventually people will see and know, consider and understand together, that the hand of the LORD has done this, the Holy One of Israel has created it. 

May BBPN become a prayer and mission platform through prayers, prophetic ministries, and all kinds of connections in this generation and the generations to come to transform all nations. Once again, I congratulate BBPN and bring you to the Lord. May the Lord continue to bless, provide and connect, so that BBPN becomes a strong and powerful platform that connects with God and also connects with the body of Messiah and teams.  Bless you all!