From EO, Melbourne Australia – AU007 Prayer Altar

5 December 2019

I had been spiritually dry for a few years and my prayers felt “non-fruitful” and chore-like.

Throughout 2018, I felt indignant and sad at the way Australia was spiralling downwards morally, and felt inclined to pray for Australia; so when Pastor Jamie invited me to join the Melbourne Draw Me Close Prayer Altar (DMC) on 3 April 2019, I did.

Eleven days later, just before Pastor Jamie left Melbourne, she released an anointing of intercession and supplication upon the Praying Priests in the Name of Yeshua. She prayed for us to receive a new level of faith, spiritual authority and prophetic gifts, to stand in the gap and to pray unceasingly. Pastor Jamie’s prayers were so potent that God gave me a dream two weeks before the Australian Federal Elections at around 6am.

In the dream there was a long line of people waiting for the doors to be opened, but no one came to unlock the doors. One lady and I unlocked and opened the doors for them to go inside to vote. The moment when I woke up, the word “gatekeeper” popped into my head.

I then felt an urge to pray for Australia’s upcoming election. When I opened my email from Pray for Australia, I saw Psalm 24: 7-10. “Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you…the Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here he comes, the King of Glory is ready to come in…He is the Lord of victory, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts! Yes, He is the King of Glory!” My heart was beating fast, and my eyes were wide open! I clicked on a link from the email, and found the word “gatekeepers” again in the article.

Three days later when I was reading my Bible, I randomly opened it to 1 Chronicles 26. The Chapter Heading was “The Gatekeepers”! I was so ecstatic and immediately shared it with my Melbourne DMC prayer partners. God was calling me to be a gatekeeper!

Every day whatever Bible verses, praise and worship lyrics, or prayer for Australia that the Lord put on my heart, they would also show up on the daily email devotions from Canberra Declaration! For the first time in my life, I felt connected to believers whom I had never met before through the Holy Spirit. We are praying in one spirit with the same aim. This is another spiritual breakthrough for me.

On 19 May 2019, Scott Morrison won the “unwinnable” election. By God’s grace, we now have a Christian Prime Minister! Hallelujah!

About six weeks after the Elections, someone prayed a prophetic prayer over me. “Father, I thank you that EO is a night-watcher in the hours of early morning rises. And that she watches over the gates, and that she is an intercessor. I thank you for that Father, that You show her things before they even happen, and You show her what to declare, from the spiritual into the natural and that she sees it come to pass….” I cried and cried because I was so touched. Even now, every single time I hear the recording of this prophecy, I weep. God loves me so much!

My prayer life has definitely changed this year and my prayers feel more “fruitful”. I treasure my experience with God, and am looking forward to many more spiritual adventures with Him.