Ariel & Shayla Hyde – Tree of Life Ministries

“So now God is raising up a group of mighty intercessors who will contend for His purposes in Israel, who will say as Paul did, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and pray to God for Israel is that they may be saved” (Romans 10:1). This is the heart’s desire of BBPN, and their prayers are making a real difference on the ground.”

We have been so blessed, encouraged, and strengthened by the prayers of the Burning Bush Prayer Network. Now is such a crucial time to be praying for Israel, as God is removing the blindness that has covered most of His people’s eyes for 2,000 years. Jesus said that He wouldn’t return until the Jewish people in Jerusalem and Israel welcomed Him back (Matthew 23:37-39), and Paul said that the end-times national revival in Israel would bring “greater riches” to the rest of the world and would even be as “life from the dead” (Romans 11:11-15).

So now God is raising up a group of mighty intercessors who will contend for His purposes in Israel, who will say as Paul did, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and pray to God for Israel is that they may be saved” (Romans 10:1). This is the heart’s desire of BBPN, and their prayers are making a real difference on the ground. We are seeing Gospel breakthroughs in even just the last few months that have been nearly unprecedented in recent history, such as 150 non-believing Israelis attending an outreach event, and hundreds of thousands of Israelis watching evangelistic videos. We believe these breakthroughs are occurring because of the prayers of faithful intercessors such as those of BBPN.

Ariel & Shayla Hyde

Tree of Life Ministries


24 August 2015

” Israel Prayer Movement” Indigenous Ministry Partner