📣 Voice of Burning Bush 8

Voice of Burning Bush 8 (14 January 2019)

Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!

💎 “Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrew 6:17-20)


💎 “At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, ‘Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.’ The words ‘once more’ indicate the removing of what can be shaken – that is, created things – so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire.’” (Hebrew 12:26-29)


In 2019, a great shaking is coming to politics and economics globally.  Dear Praying Priests of BBPN, do not be stirred by the surrounding environment.  Our hope is like an anchor for the soul, firm and secure, and it is tied to the Holy of Holies in front of God’s face.


Below are the words the “BBPN Apostolic and Prophetic Team” received from the throne room of God for all Praying Priests.  Please receive by faith, prayer and discernment.

1. Asia (66 Praying Priests)

  • Taiwan (57): The war drums are still beating. Do not lessen your prayer.  Although sometimes you may feel weak and sometimes you may miss the prayers, the LORD encourages all Taiwanese Praying Priests to take up your weapon and be inspired with enthusiasm to move forward.  Your weapon is your prayer.  Some Taiwanese Praying Priests need to strive to make a habit of praying.  As long as you are willing to seek God’s face, He will grant you His wisdom and good methods.  Our God does not love condemning us.  He is willing to help us and make us the mighty warriors of the Messiah.

  • Singapore (1): The LORD encourages the Singaporean Praying Priest to make every effort to enter His rest even in your busy schedule. The enemy sets all kinds of traps in your minds, thoughts and spirits within your circumstances, but our God will keep you from falling into the temptations. The LORD will grant the Singaporean Praying Priest a spirit of sharpness, so you are set apart and used for Him solely.  The Singaporean Praying Priest is precious to the LORD.

  • The Philippines (1): The LORD will add more love, more power, more physical strength and more grace upon our Praying Priest in the Philippines for accomplishing His work.  Although it is raining, the sun rises in the heart of our Praying Priest in the Philippines because the LORD will pour out His joy on you.  Therefore, if you are troubled in your heart, ask God to shine His light into it!  The sun will rise in your heart, the fountain of joy will overflow, and you will regain your strength.

  • Hong Kong (1):  Although the Praying Priests in Hong Kong and East Asia sometimes feel lost in the great multitude of people, feel being forgotten or not being seen by others, you are recognised by our God.  The LORD encourages you to look around with spiritual perspectives and to focus on Yeshua. As long as you do not lose focus, you are able to stand firm for Him. It’s the same for your future.  If you are going to make any changes or decisions this year, our God will direct your ways and paths.  Just believe and do not be afraid.

  • India (1): The fragrance of the sacrifice offered by our Praying Priest in India is well pleased by the LORD. Being there and standing for the Name of our Lord in India is your sacrifice.  You are not alone; God is with you.  Although you know very well about this, you need to be encouraged once again.  In your prayer altar, the hidden miracles and signs will happen to encourage you and give you strength in your heart.  This is also God showing His love to you.

  • Kazakhstan (2): The LORD desires us loving one another and living in unity.  In heaven, everything is united, so the Body of Messiah should seek the unity, which pleases our God. The Praying Priests in Kazakhstan, always remember that there is only one kind of person in heaven. That is, those who believes in Yeshua regardless of their ethnic backgrounds. The LORD will give grace, and every prayer altar will have the spirit of unity. Please be careful not to be deceived by the enemy, and not to allow His joy coming out of your unity being taken away.

  • Kyrgyzstan (2): The Kyrgyz Praying Priests, although you are now in a harsh winter, the LORD makes spring in your prayer altars.  New beginning, new power, new vision, new strategies, and brand new joy will all come to your way.  Hallelujah!

  • Korea (1): The LORD will reward our Korean Praying Priest enough strength to face the challenges of the future. No matter what physical, mental or spiritual needs you may have, the LORD will give you enough strength and He will take care of you.  We bless you with this beautiful hymn “God Will Take Care of You.”  (https://youtu.be/wfnDScj2wCs)


2.  North America (7 Praying Priests)

  • USA (7):  Our Praying Priests in USA, you will come out of cocoon, spread your wings, and fly freely in the Kingdom of God.  Upon the prayers that you make from the prayer altars, the LORD will add the new oil of the Holy Spirit which is like the fat.  The LORD is entrusting more prayers onto our Praying Priests in USA.


3.  Oceania (27 Praying Priests)

  • Australia (26): The faithful and good Praying Priests in Australia, you are the beloved children of God. One of the purposes that the LORD positions you in Australia is to keep the fire of altar burning.  Although the prayer altars of Burning Bush Prayer Network are scattered throughout the world, in fact, we corporately are one big prayer altar.  The fire on the altar is not extinguished and is well pleased by God because of the faithfulness of our Praying Priests in Australia. Dear Aussie Praying Priests, do not underestimate your faithfulness.  You must hold on to it and be faithful continuously.

  • New Zealand (1): Our Praying Priest in New Zealand, you need one more step of prayer.  Just like how Elijah prays for the rain, you also need one more step of prayer.  This is a spiritual exercise to prepare the ways of our Lord. The LORD will intensify the fire of altar in New Zealand, and He desires to show you His mighty power. However, the Kiwi Praying Priest just needs one more step of prayer, which is fervently welcoming His divine intervention.


4.  Africa (2 Praying Priests)

  • Nigeria (1):  The pure and simple prayers offered on the prayer altar by our Nigerian Praying Priest is pleasing God.  The peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Yeshua our Messiah. (Php 4:6).  The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it. (Pro 10:22) Entrust your needs onto God and He will surely look after you.  Do not worry. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Our Nigerian Praying Priest, just believe in God and He will look after you.

  • Uganda (1)Entering God’s rest is also an act of worship.  The Ugandan Praying Priest needs to enter His rest and regain your strength very often. Although this is what you already know, the LORD wants to remind you again.  Enter His rest. Enter the Holy of Holies. See Him face to face. The fire on your altar should keep burning. You need to add wood and oil at any time.  However, even you rest in Him, the fire on the altar never stops burning.

Amen and Amen.