📣 Voice of Burning Bush 7

Voice of Burning Bush 7   (14 December 2018)

Dear Royal Praying Priests, 

Spiritual Labour Pain – Intensive Refinements and Purifications

Although we are in the season of harvesting, it is also the season of pre-labouring which leads to the arrival of promised spiritual inheritance.  The closer the delivery date is, the more frequent and stronger labour pains are.


This is the time to reflect on the depth of our belief.  Some may feel that they are growing cold, and some may even feel that their beliefs are shaky and collapsing.  For Praying priests who have experienced this, do not be afraid.  When our Abba Father reveals things in our lives that do not please Him, He is refining and purifying us. 


Abba Father’s intension is not to humiliate us; He is shaping us to display His Glory. 

In the refining process, if we try to hide from Him or cover up weaknesses, we will not have the victory. 


In the refining process, if we want to deal with the issues with our own strength and wisdom, we will not have the victory either. 


Only those who are humble in front of Abba Father, face the issues with courage, acknowledge the weaknesses and put full trust in Him will stand firm.


Those who win the victory will receive new spiritual insight, which is like wearing a pair of nearsighted glasses as everything blurry becomes crystal clear.  Such spiritual insight is also like the cool and clean air on the mountains.


All Praying Priests will become more sensitive to God’s leading.  Because we are cleansed in spirits, our spiritual insight gets sharper.  This is what we should have from the beginning.  This is also what Abba Father graced us so we may get closer to Him.


Because we are refined, there will be sharper spiritual insight among us, and the spiritual gifts will be added and fanned into flame, especially the spiritual gift of faith.


Praying Priests who are in spiritual labour pains, do not blame yourselves or try to hide.  Be brave to face it, and proclaim the victory with the Lord.  After the labour pains, what welcomes us is the promised spiritual inheritance from Him!


2019:  Our God Resigns.  Pray Continually.  Sow with Tears.  Reap with Songs of Joy. 


2019 is going to be a tough and chaotic year for the world.


The Economy will be ups and downs like a tsunami.  The lives for ordinary people will be harder than before. 


In Politics, nations will express their standings sternly like hard rocks.  Those who used to seek peace will become much harder. 


In societies, the use of human weakness and the ambiguity of “true-false” occur endlessly.

Do not trouble your hearts with fears or worries in such situation, because our God resigns. 

Although the storms are coming, God will grant us His strategies, reminders, comforts and strengths.


Even the smoke is filled in the air,  Praying Priests who kneel down to pray will receive heavenly insight and strength.  We are emboldened to overcome the oppression by Satan and the world.  In the prayer altars, not only will we win the victory,  we will also take back those who are blind, lame and captive to Him.


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God will for Burning Bush Praying Priests in Yeshua HaMashiach (Yeshua the Messiah).


The above commands listed in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 are our key practices in the whole new year. 


💎 “ Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.” (Psa 126:5-6) 


It seems getting harder in ministries and in evangelism, but God will give the evangelists a powerful spiritual weapon, which is Words from heaven just like a hammer.   The unbelievers are like stones.  When the Word of God is released, the stones are cut and receive God’s grace. God will put the Words from heaven in the mouths of the evangelists to cut to the hearts of people. Signs and wonders will follow those who preach to confirm the Word, so we may lead people to God.  Sometimes we lead only one person, and sometimes we lead a group to Him.  However, before all these happen, the love of Messiah goes first. 

The Year in Review – You Reign video by Prayercast