🍞 Manna for Meditation 92

4 August, 2020

πŸ’ž Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!

πŸ’Ž β€œWhen the three columns blew the shofarot (trumpets) and broke the pitchers, they held the torches in their left hands and the shofarot in their right hands to blow, and they shouted, β€˜A sword for Adonai and for Gideon!’” (Jug 7:20, TLV)

πŸ’Ž β€œβ€˜Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” (Zec 4:6)

The battle of Gideon and his 300 men fighting against the Midianites was a spectacular victory which God orchestrated and led the Israelites with valiant and triumphant strategies. Gideon first came with 32,000 companies, yet the number was too great, for it was the purpose of God to teach Israel a memorable lesson of total dependence on Him.  God promised to turn Midianites into their hands Himself, and the two reductions were ordered so the Israelites would not take all the credit and glorify themselves against God. 

The first reduction was proclaiming an established law – whoever is fearful, let him return (Deu 20:8).  22,000 companies headed for home, while 10,000 remained.  Then God ordered Gideon to take the troops down to the stream for a final cut.  300 lapped with their tongues from their cupped hands were vigilant and watchful, hence selected, and all the rest knelt to drink were sent home.  

That night, God said to Gideon, β€œArise, get down against the camp, for I have given it into your hand.” Gideon and his armour bearer Purah arrived just in time to hear a man telling his friend a dream (not a coincidence but God’s plan). When Gideon heard the account of the dream and its interpretation, he went into his knees before God in prayer. Then he returned to the Israeli camp and gave each man a shofar (trumpet), an empty jar and with a torch inside the jar. The 300 blew the shofarot (trumpets), at the same time smashing the jars they carried.  The torches were in their left hands, and the shofarot in their right hands.  When the 300 shouted, β€œThe sword of God and of Gideon!”, God set every Midianite’s sword against his fellow. The whole Midianite camp jumped to its feet, yelled, fled and ran for their lives!  

Normally counter-intelligence and deception have always been key strategies in battles, yet here an Israeli army with only 300 men, 300 shofarot (trumpets), 300 empty jars and 300 torches, and by only shouting β€œThe Sword of God and of Gideon!” won the victory over the powerful and armed enemies!  This sounded so unbelievable, yet Gideon’s steadfast and resilient faith in divine assurance of God made him highly commended and listed in the Heroes of Faith (Heb 11:32). How about us?  Do we usually rely on our might, power and wisdom, or do we fully trust God and follow Him closely step by step even sometimes His ways sounded unreasonable?  

πŸ™Dear Heavenly Father, what a spectacular victory and a valuable lesson that You teach us through the story of Gideon and his 300!  All our flesh must be silent before You, and all glories must go to You.  Today, we agree with John the Baptist who said, β€œYou must increase and I must decrease (Jhn 3:30) once again.  Please fill us with Your Spirit and make our lives even more fruitful and meaningful solely for You.  In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.