📣 Voice of Burning Bush 50

13 July, 2022   

The BBPN Apostolic & Prophetic Team received the prophetic words from the throne room of God as below. Let us intercede for one another in unity. May the kingdom of God come and may His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!  Amen.

  1. East Asia & Southeast Asia Prayer Altars

“Then it will be said: ‘Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every stumbling block out of the way of My people.’” (Isa 57:14, TLV)

A new wave of revival and holiness is coming, and it will come to the Prayer Altars in East Asia and Southeast Asia first. The wind of the Spirit of Holiness will blow to each Praying Priest. Please stand in the light of God courageously and receive the pruning of life from God. Do not escape or hide away, so that the Spirit of Holiness can be burned inside of you for purification, and you may receive God’s grace and blessings with boldness. Your prayers in holiness are building up and preparing the way to remove every stumbling block out of the way of God’s people. God’s people will receive the Gospel freely and run into the arms of  our Heavenly Father!

  1. Central Asia Prayer Altars

“But about midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a great earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Immediately all the doors were unlocked, and everyone’s chains came loose.” (Act 16:25-26, TLV)

Like a bag about to be tied up with a rope, your circumstances may seem difficult. Even so, do not look down on yourself by mistakenly thinking that you are too small to do anything. Please do not give yourself to the environments in front of your eyes. Instead, immerse yourself in worship and singing praises. Put your heart in the hands of God and activate a mustard seed of faith. All of a sudden just when you least expect it, all chains come loose and every bondage is released and set free! 

  1. Oceania Prayer Altars

“All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the Lord freewill offerings for all the work the Lord through Moses had commanded them to do.” (Exo 35:29)

You will be enlightened by God and become more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Word of God and the promptings of the Spirit, you will be sent out to do God’s work. Please serve God with the right attitude and do everything cheerfully, not reluctantly or under compulsion. When all you do is solely for the Name of the Lord not for your own fame, and also only for the glory of the Lord not for your own reputation, everything will be light and many unnecessary disputes and disturbances will be removed. 

  1. North America Prayer Altars

“The burden of Dumah: One calls to me from Seir, ‘Watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?’  The watchman said, ‘Morning comes, yet also it is night. If you would inquire, inquire. Come back again.’” (Isa 21:11-12, TLV)

North America will encounter waves of attacks, but the crisis is a turning point. The Church of God will rise up and stand in the gap to rescue lost souls. The Praying Priests need not fear or worry, because the light of God is brighter in the darkness. By the gift of faith, you will stand for the Lord. By the prayers and intercessions, you seal the breaches. Through preaching the Word of God, all homes, workplaces, and churches will be transformed and experience the mighty work of God.