🍞 Manna for Meditation 188

7 June, 2022

💎 “Now the people were filled with expectation, and all were wondering in their hearts about John, whether he might be the Messiah.  John answered them all, saying, ‘As for me, I immerse you with water. But One is coming who is mightier than I am; I am not worthy to untie the strap of His sandals! He will immerse you in the Ruach ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit) and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand to clear His threshing floor and gather the wheat into His barn, but the chaff He will burn up with inextinguishable fire.'” (Luk 3:15-17, TLV) 

John the Baptist is the forerunner who heralds the coming of Yeshua HaMashiach. When he is out baptising new followers, the interest of the people is building and they begin to wonder if he could be the Messiah. He mentions that he is a mere stagehand, and the main character in this performance of God’s play will ignite the kingdom life and the Holy Spirit within us will change us from inside out. The Messiah is going to make a clean sweep of our lives. He will place everything true in its proper place before God and put out everything false with the trash to be burned! 

There is often a question from John’s answer. Whether baptising with “the Holy Spirit” and “fire” are two different baptisms or he simply uses two nouns to signify the same thing? In Matthew 3:11-12, John’s words are recorded the same verbatim. However, in Mark 1:8, there is only the mention of baptising with the Holy Spirit. Apostle Mark leaves out “fire” to describe the same account. Apostle Matthew and Apostle John use two nouns to express the character of the one presented. Therefore, John the Baptist baptises people with water as an onward sign of repentance and faith in God, and Yeshua baptises us with the Holy Spirit – God Himself, which is a life-change baptism.

In the Old Testament, we see fire primarily represents the presence of God, such as Moses encounters God at the burning bush and the pillar of fire leading the Israelites in the wilderness (Exo 3:2, 13:21), etc. The New Testament also uses fire as a unique image to describe the person and the work of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2:14, the followers of Yeshua encounter the Holy Spirit baptism on Shavuot. Like a wildfire, the Holy Spirit spreads through them and they start speaking in a number of different languages. Moreover, their lives have changed radically!  

Yeshua baptises us with the Holy Spirit and fire – meaning that the purification process of the Holy Spirit cleanses us, transforms us and shapes us into Messiah-likeness. 2022 is our Year to Arise and Shine. As we enter the second half of the year, let us continue to welcome the work of the Holy Spirit so we may radiate the glory of Yeshua wherever we are. 

🙏 Dear Father, come and visit us again powerfully like you did with the believers at Shavuot. We long for your presence and glory being manifested in such a troubled world. Many are suffering, crying, hurting and lost.  Please cleanse us, purify us and make us glorious vessels to shine for You and reach out to the needy.  As the days get tougher and tougher, we need You more than ever.  In the name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.