🍞 Manna for Meditation 180

12 April, 2022

💎 “Adonai will pass through to strike down the Egyptians, but when He sees the blood on the crossbeam and the two doorposts, Adonai will pass over that door, and will not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you down.” (Exo 12:23, TLV)

💎 “Get rid of the old hametz (yeast), so you may be a new batch, just as you are unleavened—for Messiah, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed.” (1Co 5:7, TLV)

Pesach (Passover) 2022 commences at sundown on Friday, 15 April and ends in the evening of Saturday, 23 April.  Pesach is one of the three pilgrimages festivals on which the Jewish people were commanded to go up to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The other two festivals are Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) and Shavuot (Feast of Weeks, Pentecost).  Pesach is a pivotal festival of redemption instructed in the Old Testament, and it is observed by the Jewish communities around the world for centuries and also by the followers of Yeshua. 

Pesach commemorates God’s powerful rescue action to deliver His people from slavery and suffering in Egypt, and it also points to the greatest demonstration of God’s saving power through the blood of our Messiah, the Passover Lamb. (Jhn 1:29, 1Co 5:7).  In the New Testament, Yeshua celebrates the “Last Supper” Seder with His disciples (Mat 26:17-19, Mak 14:12-16, Luk 22:7-13).  In the modern observances, the Jewish people will do a major spring cleaning of home and dwelling, and organise the family Seder at homes. Pesach is a story of repentance, forgiveness, hope, deliverance, reconciliation and freedom. It serves as a link between the past and future, and it reminds us of God’s faithfulness and saving grace. Pesach is fulfilled in Yeshua’s first coming as His blood was applied to the doorposts of our hearts. 

As we prepare to celebrate Pesach again this year, let us welcome the Holy Spirit to enlighten our hearts, do a spiritual spring cleaning, remove all the old yeasts in our lives, open our hearts for the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, and receive the resurrecting power of Yeshua to Arise and Shine!   

🙏 Dear Father, You are the greatest promise keeper. You not only delivered the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt, but also sent your beloved Son Yeshua to save us from all bondages and sins. Please open our hearts to see the connection between the ancient Jewish Seder and the Last Supper. We want to see Yeshua being lifted high and revealed in every Jewish home, and we pray that all the Jewish people will encounter Yeshua, the sinless Passover Lamb, in a very personal way this year. As we commemorate the death, burial and resurrection of Yeshua in this season, draw us closer and make us forever grateful for Yeshua’s sacrifices by shining for your glory with our life testimonies. In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.