🍞 Manna for Meditation 169

25 January, 2022

💎 “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (Jhn 14:16-17)

💎 “‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” (Zec 4:6)

2022 is our Year to Arise and Shine. Let us review the core of H2Z Prayer Movement (From Mountains of Heaven to Mount Zion) – We pray in unity and with love, we pray prophetically by the Spirit of God, and we pray with authority in the Name of Yeshua. 

In the H2Z Prayer Movement, secondly, we pray prophetically by the Spirit of God. 

  1. Listening Prayer 

When we pray prophetically, we are praying according to the inspiration and leading of the Holy Spirit, heeding the voice of God, and uttering the Scriptures or any specific words and promises given to us in faith. We do not talk to God about what is on our minds, but we listen to what is in His heart wholeheartedly. 

  1. Revelation – Scriptures 

We know that all Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, reproof, restoration and training in righteousness (2Ti 3:16). Through the Word, we are fully equipped and shaped up. When seeking God’s face wholeheartedly, we, the sheep, expect to hear the voice of our Shepherd (Jhn 10:3-5). The Spirit of God is our Advocate, and He teaches us everything and reminds us of everything that Yeshua said to us (Jhn 14:16-17, 26). We will receive prophetic insight and revelations by the Holy Spirit. At BBPN, we always ask God to give us His Scriptures for any circumstance that we are interceding for.

  1. Application – Prophetic Utterance 

We believe that everyone can hear the Voice of God, and everyone can ask for the gift of prophecy.  We believe that we can prophecy over all nations according to our faith.  After receiving the revelations from the Spirit, we pray prophetically, we plead God’s promises, and we do not manipulate what we are speaking. Our God watches over His word to perform it (Jer. 1:12). He confirms the words of His servant and fulfills the counsel of His messengers (Isa 44:26).  Hence, the prophetic proclamations and declarations are powerful. 

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us such a glorious calling to pray for your kingdom prophetically by the Spirit of God. Please cleanse us and mold us into humble and powerful vessels of your Word, so we may proclaim your specific will and declare your power on earth. Please keep us closer to You, so we can enter the intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit to hear your voice and receive revelations speaking out of fire (Deu 4:32-33, 36). Please increase our faith and sharpen our prophetic gift, so we can make bold proclamations, pray in agreement with your purposes, partner with You for fulfilling your plans, and facilitate miracles. In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.