🍞 Manna for Meditation 167

11 January, 2022

💎  ”Adonai sits enthroned over the flood. Yes, Adonai sits as King forever. Adonai gives strength to His people. Adonai blesses His people with shalom.” (Psm 29:10-11)

Last Thursday, our hearts were troubled by the bloodshed crackdown on protesters in Kazakhstan, which was sparked by the increasing cost of liquefied petroleum gas and rapidly escalated into the worst violence in the last three decades. Among the five Central Asian nations, Kazakhstan was the most economically developed and richest one. However, the most stable country in the region also faced the storm of social unrest.

Which song will you sing in the midst of storms and dark hours? Which song will you sing on behalf of the Kazakh people when they feel dismayed and struck with fear now?  Psalm 29:10-11 is our spiritual heritage to set us singing. 

  1. Adonai sits enthroned over the flood.  (v10)

Flood comes after tempests and violent storms, but our God is always ready for any emergencies. Although floods may bring destruction and desolation, our God is unshakable and unmovable; He sits upon the flood and He sits as King forever. The power and the perpetuity of His kingdom are displayed. He conquers the flood and completes His purposes in the storms. 

  1. Adonai gives strength and shalom.  (v11) 

We do not have to feel weak, because we can run to God and regain the promised strength from Him. We do not have to be troubled, because we can run to God and receive the promised shalom from Him. Our God fortifies us against every evil work, and equips us for every good work. Out of our weakness, we are made strong. His endless shalom also empowers us to walk through the storms. We are blessed with His shalom.

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for setting us singing in the darkest hours, and thank You for giving us your strength and shalom in the most difficult and challenging times. We are able to sing, because You are powerful and eternal. We know that nothing is too great for You. We entrust whatever may come our way onto your hands, and we also entrust all the troubling nations to You. We proclaim that You are God, no matter what! In the Name of Yeshua, we pray and bless You, Amen!