🍞 Manna for Meditation 166

4 January, 2022

💎  “You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.” (Psm 65:11)

2021 Year in Review

In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to test the world in many ways that we could never have imagined. However, we were reminded of what is most important and necessary, and of how we could prevail against all odds by God’s grace and presence.  Let us together praise God for what He has done at BBPN in 2021. 

  1. Prayer Ministry: 
  • From Mountains of Heaven to Mount Zion Prayer Movement (H2Z): We established 52 prayer altars with 70 Praying Priests in 8 nations interceding for the revivals of Central Asia and Israel every week. We also participated in 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World and 10 Days of Prayer for the High Holidays. We created a culture of praise and thanksgiving, a culture of regular prayer and fasting and a culture of praying prophetically with authority and in unity.  
  • Revival Prayer Movement (RPG): We supported the Revival Prayer Movement in Taiwan and spread the fire to New Zealand and Central Asia. We established 60 RPGs (Revival Prayer Groups) globally with 170 people involved to pray for our families, workplaces, local churches, cities and nations. 
  • Family Mainstreaming Prayer Movement: We mobilised 50 Prayer Warriors to intercede for the family mainstreaming and participated in Good Dad’s Prayer Movement and Christmas Endless Love – Caring for the Low-income Households campaign.  
  1. Mission Ministry
  • Jewish Mission:  We conducted two batches of To the Jew First training and equipped 80 people from 50 churches. As a result, we raised 18 units of co-workers for the Hosting Israeli Backpackers’ Network in Taiwan. We also organised events for Passover and training for The Fall Festivals. 
  • Muslim Mission:  We conducted six lessons of Discovering Central Asia training and our Praying Priests were encouraged by the love of God towards the minority people groups in this often-forgotten region.
  • Others:  We provided prayer walking training and helped a local group to strategise the church planting project. We conducted a Cross-Cultural Missionary Fundraising course to train 20 students at one seminary. We organised a Christmas evangelistic event to share the Good News with a group of women suffering from infertility. 

2022 Arise and Shine

At BBPN, we are dedicated to mobilising global mission empowered by a prayer movement, and connecting global teams and resources for establishing a prayer and mission platform that transforms all nations.  Amid the pandemic, according to the statistics by Joshua Project, 5,539 Central Asians received Yeshua in 2021, and currently there are 29,230 Jews in Israel believing in Yeshua! We look forward to rising beyond and shining for God’s glory continuously in 2022. 

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for your protection, direction and revelation in 2021, and we give all the praises and honours to You for what You have done at BBPN. You have strengthened our faith and enlarged our perspectives in many ways. Your Spirit always moves faster than us and thank You for choosing us to be part of the global harvest!  We entrust ourselves onto your hands again, and we expect greater things to come in 2022.  Make us Arise and Shine for You!  In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen!