🍞 Manna for Meditation 157

2 November, 2021

💎A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah. “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” (Psm 63:1)

Nowadays, we all live under pressure in almost every area of our lives – the pressure to perform and compete in our jobs or studies, the pressure to feed our family during COVID-19, the pressure to handle family or marriage issues, the pressure to raise children, the pressure to lead a group, a team or a company…etc. In the midst of pressures and busyness, setting the right priorities determines the quality of our life.  At the beginning of this year, we named 2021 as our Year of Victory.  We are victors not victims of our circumstances.  We all need to set the godly priorities for making godly decisions. 

King David penned Psalm 63 probably during Absalom’s rebellion against his reign. He was under great pressure of leadership and fled from his own son. After crossing the Jordan River, all the people moved on to the wilderness of Judah with an uncertain future. King David expressed his godly priorities when tremendous pressure flooded into his life, which is to seek God’s face with an earnest desire! In a dry and weary land where there is no water, he burst out praises to God. Then he found his inner satisfaction (v.5), inner joy (v.6-8), and inner strength all in God (v.9-11).  

Today let us determine to seek God’ face as our first priority by asking the Holy Spirit to fill us with His love (v.5), increase our hunger and thirst for God, and draw us near to spend quality time with God alone.  Again, we are victors not victims of our circumstances and pressures! We can rely on Yeshua to triumph, return to our heavenly Father, and break through the siege to regain strength. Amen!

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, please help us review our daily schedule and check if it reflects that seeking your face was our first priority. If we have lost the passion and desire for You, please renew us and ignite the fire in our hearts again. Please increase our hunger and thirst, so we can find inner satisfaction, inner joy and inner strength all in You alone.  In the name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen!