🍞 Manna for Meditation 154

12 October, 2021

💎 “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.” (Psm 36:9)

Every year thousands of blind spot accidents result in terrible fatalities. Vehicle blind spots can be avoided by adjusting the mirrors, with a head-turn or other technical solutions. We also need to get rid of the blind spots on our spiritual journey to gain a seamless panoramic scene of view.  It is possible to reduce spiritual accidents which often lead us into sins, hurts, regrets, or even deaths.

In the October Month of Prayer and Fasting, we deny ourselves to seek God’s face wholeheartedly. This week let us ask God to shed His light on our hearts and eliminate the blind spots. Here are four ways we can receive spiritual enlightenments from God. 

  1. Hearing from God Directly: Abba Father speaks to us all the time. However, the question is are we listening attentively? He speaks through our daily quality time (QT) with Him, reading the Bible and meditating on His Word, visions and dreams!  Let us put down self-defence and open our ears to hear His voice. 
  2. Hearing from Others:  Do not reject those words that may offend your ear and let them “go in one ear and out the other”.  Pray and discern. If those words come out from flesh, then yes let them go and vanish. If those words are constructive, take them in! Unpleasant advice, like bitter medicine, has a welcome effect. 
  3. Suffering and Hardship: Do not dwell in the spiral storm of your emotions.  Suffering is the mother of prophecies; hardship is a blessing in disguise. Pray into the situation, receive God’s enlightenments and gain the holistic view for spiritual growth and freedom. 
  4. Psychological Projections: “Therefore you are without excuse, O man—every one of you who is judging. For by whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself. For you who judge practice the same things.” (Rom 2:1) We may misinterpret what is inside as coming from outside. Pay attention to what you often point your fingers at, because that may reflect what is inside of you. 

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, we long for a greater spiritual breakthrough and revival in October Month of Prayer and Fasting.  Please enlighten our hearts, remove all our blindness, and open our hearts to view things with a heavenly holistic view.  Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil which may be caused by our spiritual blind spots.  We want to be free, and in your light we see light!  In the name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen!