🍞 Manna for Meditation 134

25 May, 2021

💞 Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

💎 “So pay close attention to how you walk—not as unwise people but as wise. Make the most of your time because the days are evil. For this reason do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” (Eph 5:15-17, TLV)

Today, let us praise God for choosing BBPN as a humble and glorious vessel to carry the RPG (Revival Prayer Group, also known as Upper Rooms) Movement with our faithful intercession and active participation since its beginning from Taipei City in November, 2019.  Since then, we together witnessed the flame of God burning all across Taiwan and later spreading to New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere in 2020.   Actually, BBPN was just officially registered as the Burning Bush Prayer & Mission Association in Taiwan on 27 July, 2019.  Being a three-month-old new organisation by then, it was definitely the favour of God and a great privilege for us to intercede and serve the churches beyond our ask and imagination. No matter where we are now, let us give a clap offering to God for all His glory. 

During our Fasting and Prayer in March this year, the Lord spoke to us via two visions which urged us to surrender and pay all the prices for His kingdom purposes, simply because the time is really short!  God’s warnings also resonate with the key message delivered by Rev. Donald Young from College of Prayer International to the RPG Movement in Taiwan in May. Just look around what happens to us in the world nowadays. The signs of wars, conflicts, riots, pandemics, droughts, earthquakes and power shortages all point to one direction. Our Yeshua is coming soon except for one thing!  The gospel of the kingdom hasn’t been preached to all the nations (Mat 24:14).  Therefore, we ought to readjust our schedule and focus on only one thing, which is winning the lost souls!  None of our busyness in this world will be brought up to heaven.  As Rev. Donald Young often says, “There is no crown of busyness reserved for us in heaven!”  Dear Praying Priests, let us take time to repent for our busyness today and ask God to help us refocus with what lays in His heart.

 🙏 Dear Father, please help us not to waste our time on useless work, mere busywork.  Expose those things that hinder us from running after You with the right focus. May the light of Yeshua show us the way we should go, so we all wake up from our sleep, climb out of our coffins and come to life!  Teach us how to make the most of every chance that you put in our hands, as we understand that these are desperate times!  Please make us ready to welcome Yeshua’s Second Coming, and we are willing to pay any prices. In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.