📣 Voice of Burning Bush 36

Voice of Burning Bush 36  (7 May 2021)   

Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom! 

The BBPN Apostolic & Prophetic Team received the prophetic words from the throne room of God as below. Let us intercede for all our ministry teams in unity. May the kingdom of God come and may His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!  Amen.

  1. The Administration Team

“Here I am, doing a new thing; Now it is springing up—do you not know about it? I will surely make a way in the desert, rivers in the wasteland.” (Isa 43:19, TLV)

New things are on the way because the time has come. When the Administration Team confronts challenges with boldness, you will walk into the destiny of God. Because of God’s presence, you will surely see the way in the desert before you. Because of God’s presence, you will surely see the rivers in the wasteland under your feet.  In the face of deserts and wastelands, keep yourself in God’s love. Then there is no fear, because He fully accepts us as who we are.

  1. The Translation Team

“He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him.” (Jhn 14:21, TLV)

Your faithful service and love for the people of God are acceptable to the Lord. Even if you offer only a little, it truly shows your love to God. You will be loved by the Father in heaven and also by the Lord Yeshua. The Lord will reveal Himself to you and enable you to walk in His light. Your daily needs will be richly rewarded in Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ). Please entrust any burdens and troubles in your hearts to the Lord, and you will see His help in time of need. 

  1. The Multimedia Team

“Yet He did not leave Himself without a witness—He did good by giving you rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling your hearts with joy and gladness.” (Act 14:17, TLV)

You have experienced God’s rewards financially at times; you have also experienced God’s grace in your life from time to time.  All this is God appearing Himself to assure you that He is with you. This will be a season to experience more of God and know more about Him. Do not be afraid when you encounter difficulties, for all trials will lead you to God.  Please give thanks and praise God for all these blessings in disguise; then you will experience His infinite power!

  1. The Communication Team 

“For You are my hope, Adonai my Lord——my trust from my youth. ” (Psm 71:5, TLV)

“Remember the word to Your servant, on which You have made me hope.” (Psm 119:49, TLV)

God has always been your hope and guide. Just as what Mary did,  set your eyes completely upon Yeshua. This is a spiritual exercise, and also a spiritual blessing. Through your refined life, God’s blessings will be multiplied and spread to more people. It is the pleasure of our God to give you what you hope for, to fulfill His promises, and to make your joy full without lack. He is the One who rewards us with HIs blessings willingly. 

  1. The Draw Me Close Prayer Altar Ministry Team

“Adonai their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people. They will be like gems of a crown sparkling over His land.” (Zec 9:16, TLV)

You are loved by God. He delights over you with joy and is pleased to see you rejoicing. Consider that you are like gems of a crown shining for the Lord.  You will find the good will of God in everything that you encounter for life. May the Lord grant you a divine vision, so that you may stay calm, control over your mood, and not to let the shalom and joy in your heart be stolen.  Please confront all things with peace in mind.  This is an expression of faith in God’s sovereignty. In the end, you will overcome all the troubles and regain your strength in rest.

  1. The Accounting & Human Resources Team 

“He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how shall He not also with Him freely give us all things?” (Rom 8:32, TLV)

You will truly understand and recognise that the reality of Yeshu’a sacrifices and death is personal. By the great outpouring of God’s love through the Holy Spirit, you will no longer just hear of Him by the hearing of the ear but you will see Him with your own eyes! With the deeper understanding of God’s love, your eyes will see the rich rewards and promises of God. You no longer need to strive for earning His love, because He loves you before the creation of the world!  The love of God will compel you to give freely as you freely receive, and to experience His endless and abundant love more deeply.