๐Ÿž Manna for Meditation 130

27 April, 2021

๐Ÿ’ž Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom!   

๐Ÿ’Ž โ€œNow the end of all things is near. So be self-controlled and sober-minded for prayer.โ€ (1Pe 4:7, TLV)

Last week we mentioned the two significant visions that the Holy Spirit revealed to BBPN during our prayer and fasting in March. The key message is to redeem the time (kairos) because time is very short, the urgency is very great, and prayer is still our primary focus. This week the Lord leads us to meditate on the account of Queen Esther, because we are called right now and right here for God’s purpose. 

Esther has no father or mother, and she was adopted by her cousin Mordecai.  When King Xerxes was looking for a new queen, Esther and many young girls were brought to the palace complex of Susa and given over to Hegai who was overseer of the women.  Esther won the favour of the king, so she was chosen and became the queen! 

Later Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman. Therefore, Haman raged against him and wanted to kill all the Jewish people.ย  When Mordecai asked Esther to approach the king on behalf of their own people, he said, โ€œWho knows whether you have attained royal status for such a time as this?โ€ (Est 4:14, TLV) According to the Strongโ€™s Hebrew Lexicon, the word ืขึตืช (et) means time, now, (due) season or tide.ย  In other words, Esther’s whole life was being led by God to such a supernatural moment NOW.ย 

Anyone, man or woman, who approaches the king in the inner courtyard without being summoned, will be put to death unless the king extends his golden sceptre permitting him to live.  Queen Esther had not seen the king for 30 days, and it was a life or death decision to appeal to the king.  She knew that it was the time for her to speak out, because she had a greater purpose and calling.  She was willing to sacrifice for such a life-threatening mission. She stepped into the unknowns with boldness and obedience, saved her own people and fulfilled the purpose of God! 

Dear Praying Priests, we were born for a greater purpose than just ourselves. Do not despise the days of preparation, because years of preparation could be for just a two-day task! We are positioned by God right now and right here for His divine purpose.  Let us proclaim the promise in Psalm 2:8, stand before our Messiah and ask for the salvation of all nations until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in and in the same way all Israel will be saved! (Rom 11:25-26)

โ€œAsk Me, and I will give the nations as Your inheritance,

and the far reaches of the earth as Your possession.โ€

๐Ÿ™ Dear Abba Father, thank You for mobilising us to fulfil our destiny for such a time as this.ย  We understand that there are sacrifices to make and there are risks to take. Today we stand before You and recommit our lives to You.ย  Please broaden and deepen our prayers, and teach us to share the good news powerfully and effectively until the end of all things or until we see You face to face.ย  In the Name of Yeshua we pray and bless You, Amen.