📣 Voice of Burning Bush 15

Voice of Burning Bush 15  (13 August 2019)

Dear Royal Praying Priests, shalom! 

Below are the prophetic words that BBPN Apostolic and Prophetic Team received from the throne room of God.  Please receive them by faith, with prayer and a discerning heart.  In the Name of Yeshua, we bless each one of you to live out the glorious calling and will of God! 


💎 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Rom 12:1-2)


Taiwan (25 Prayer Altars)


The Lord is causing a great fire of prayer in Taiwan, and each Prayer Altar will be ignited again. Every Praying Priest in Taiwan is a mobile Prayer Altar. You will raise your holy hands to pray at all times.  You will be full of joy and no longer feel heavy.  In the Name of Yeshua we bless all Praying Priests in Taiwan, rise and shine!  Receive fresh anointing,  turn all your knowledge into actions,  pray with your strong faith and resist the enemy!


Australia (9 Prayer Altars)


The faithful prayer from the Praying Priests in Australia is like a living stream that runs forever with strength and power.  Your prayer carries God’s promises and protection.  It is like a strong fortress surrounding our Indigenous Ministry Partners.  Although some Praying Priests are weaker, in the Name of Yeshua we declare that the Holy Spirit will breath into you once again, and your strength will be renewed as you wait upon the Lord.


New Zealand (1 Prayer Altar)


In the Name of Yeshua we encourage the Praying Priest in New Zealand.  As you wait quietly and patiently before the Lord, your arms can bend a bow of bronze and your hands are trained for battle.  In prayer, you will receive the power like the roaring lion of Judah.  Even your simplest prayers will carry God’s power!  A new wave of breakthroughs is coming to shake New Zealand.


Hong Kong (1 Prayer Atlar) 


The living Spirit of God will hover over the Prayer Altar in Hong Kong and make the inner being of our Praying Priest to come alive again!  God will cause circumstances for you to exercise your faith, so you will truly experience Him!  When you come back to your Prayer Altar with such new level of faith, you will witness the true effect of prayer which is beyond your ask or imagination. 


Kyrgyzstan  (1 Prayer Atlar) 


The Praying Priest in Kyrgyzstan is a mighty and anointed warrior in the Kingdom of God.  When you strive with the enemy before the Prayer Altar, you will surely win.  Please take your heart and  fear nothing in your circumstances, because we know that everything is in the hands of ourGod. Fearlessness is not recklessness.  Fearlessness is with God’s wisdom.  In the Name of Yeshua, we bless you.  Receive the anointing of God by faith, and all the entanglements in your life will fall off!  


Kazakhstan (1 Prayer Altar) 


No matter the Praying Priest in Kazakhstan prays out loud or do the silent prayers, God hears all your prayers and He will fulfil His promises.  You will see the miracle, which is the manifestation of God’s presence. Even you do not make any sound in your Prayer Altar, the holy fire on the altar keeps burning. In the Name of Yeshua we bless you to offer your body as a living sacrifice.  The fire of your Praying Altar will increase even more than before, your prayers are full of power and you will go from strength to strength! 


Singapore (1 Prayer Altar)


The new anointing is coming upon the Prayer Altar, and the fatness of anointing will break the heavy yoke. The Praying Priest in Singapore will experience the true freedom once again.  Please prepare your heart to receive the new vision and new direction, so your prayers are deepened to hit the bullseye of the enemy.  You will be filled by the power of joy again!


USA (1 Prayer Altar) 


The sacrifice of thanksgiving and praises offered by the Praying Priest in USA before the Prayer Altar is the key to the victory in prayer!  When you declare by faith and with authority, you are releasing the godly power, and the enemies will run away.  You are a lion’s cub, Judah.  You no longer lie down or crouch,  but get up to catch the prey and stand firm for the Kingdom of God.