From TL, Melbourne VIC Australia – AU003 Prayer Altar

16 August, 2015

“Through this ministry we have seen God’s hand moving and so many prayers have been answered. And through prayer we see many Israelis come to know Yeshua HaMaschiach and God keeps bringing the Israelis back to His land.

God gives each of us different tasks, one of them is praying. Of course not all of us have the gift of intercession but we all have the role to pray for others because prayer releases the power of God here on earth.

God sees the willing heart to pray for others especially His people and His nation Israel. I pray that God will also encourage you to be part of this wonderful ministry.“

I want to take this opportunity to thank God for this wonderful ministry BBPN and letting me be a part of it. Through this ministry we have seen God’s hand moving and so many prayers answered. And through prayer we see many Israelis come to know Yeshua HaMaschiach and God keeps bringing the Israelis back to His land.

A few months ago when I was invited to join BBPN, I happily accepted without second thoughts. To be honest, I was struggling as I have never been interested in politics and not to mention what’s happening around the world. I must say I have little knowledge about Israel except from the book of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers etc. Through BBPN I learnt more about Israel and how we can pray for Israel.