30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

24 April – 23 May 2020

1. From CL, Taipei Taiwan – TW014 Prayer Altar

I am so grateful for God’s help. This is my first time completing 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. I also adapted the prayer guide by Mission Pathway and watched the testimony videos of Muslims turning to the Lord in visions. In my prayers, I found out that Muslims face the same struggles of faith as Christians do, and the only difference was that we are full of hope in Yeshua and we do everything to glorify God. I prayed for Muslims sincerely. They show their hospitality out of genuineness instead of social pressure. May they also receive Yeshua and the love of God in visions. I watched the Christian testimonies of receiving and making friends with Muslims and I was deeply touched. I prayed for Christians to really offer the sacrifices of prayers and boldly open our hearts to reach the Muslims and lead them to know God. Thanks to God and may God keep helping me to pray for them unceasingly. I may not meet them personally but I can partner with God in prayers. Praise be to Him!

2. From EL, Hsinchu Taiwan – TW003 Prayer Altar

I am especially burdened to pray for the persecuted Christians, and then for the Muslims. In the last 30 days, I asked God to help me in loving the Muslims and praying for them with a loving heart. I especially asked God for faithfulness to complete the prayers. God heard my prayers. In the last 30 days, the more I prayed, the sweeter I felt. When I prayed for the Muslim World, it felt like tasting honey dripping from the honeycomb.

The intercessors in the prayer videos really impressed me. They were Muslims but now they know the true God and become Christians. In the videos, these intercessors firstly said their names and then declared that I was a Muslim and now I am a Christian. How touching it is! Their prayers were so beautiful. My faith is greatly encouraged by seeing how the Muslim-background brothers and sisters still stand firm in their faith when facing persecutions and torments for our Messiah.

I am reminded that Muslims are also made and loved by God. May God choose them to worship the only true God. Thanks to God that I can partner with Him in travelling around the world through prayers at my home! Praise be to Him!

3. From EO, Melbourne Australia – AU007 Prayer Altar

“Yeshua spoke to them again, saying, ‘ I am the light of the world. The one who follows Me will no longer walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. ‘ ” (Jhn 8:12, TLV)

I really feel this verse applying to the Muslims that Jesus is trying to reach out. That Jesus is the light of the world. 🙏🏻❤️☀️

4. From CS, Melbourne Australia – AU002 Prayer Altar

When praying for the Muslims in Taiwan, it reminded me of the Indonesian Maid Ministry in my home church about 30 years ago in Malaysia. They reached out to the Muslim Indonesian maids. The Christian families were committed to bringing their Indonesian maids to the fellowship once a month. I pray that the churches in Taiwan will have the same vision in reaching out to the Indonesian workers.

5. From TL, Melbourne Australia – AU003 Prayer Altar

Our gracious God reminded me of my Muslim classmates back home in Malaysia. They are friendly and nice people. We, Chinese and other races, used to visit our Muslim friends’ houses on their Hari Raya (new year) and enjoyed their lovely food. Even though we have different beliefs but we get along well during our school days. I pray for God to lead me in praying for my Muslim friends. I pray that God will touch their hearts and point them the right direction to Salvation 🙏🏻

6. From DY, East Asia- HK001 Prayer Altar

I was born in a Muslim family from a Muslim country. By the grace of God, today I am a child of our Heavenly Father!

In the past, I prayed to Allah everyday. At the age of 8, I even tried to memorise best-known verses from the Koran, which are prayers during the prayer time in the Muslim World. I came from a broken family. Because I am a girl, my father left my mother and our family. In the Muslim family, if the firstborn is a boy, then the woman is blessed. However, if she gives birth to a girl, then she is considered useless!

I feel very sad when looking into my past and the general Muslim World. I know many details of the Islamic belief which are mysteries to other non-Muslims. Therefore, I pray for Muslims everyday, not just during the Ramadan.

Today my family are still Muslims. My younger sister fasts every year, and she hopes that through annual fasting her sins will be forgiven and she will be purified. However, Yeshua took our place and paid for our sins, so we Chrsitians are blessed and do not have to receive salvation from our own works. I pray that my Muslim brothers and sisters will find the Truth in Yeshua. 🙏

“I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.” (John 10:9)

Today I do not live in a Muslim country, but I do have neighbours. I hope that God will use me to tell them the Good News. 🙏

7. From MN, Central Asia- KA001 Prayer Altar

I was born in a Muslim nation, but my family did n’t really believe in Allah. Later when my relatives became older, they started to perform Islamic rituals out of duty instead of sincerity.

I tried to know about the truth during the teenage years. Later I accepted Isa Masih (Jesus Christ) as my Lord and Saviour, and I started to relate to my Muslim realtives differently. My heart is broken when I see them striving to do good deeds and keep fasting every year. Yet they still do not have salvation. Although their hearts are not open, I never stop praying for them and I keep on sharing with them about my God, my faith and my life. God gives me Acts 16:31 and peace in my heart, as He promises that all my Muslim relatives will be saved!

“They said, ‘Put your trust in the Lord Yeshua and you will be saved—you and your household!’” (Acts 16:31, TLV)