30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World (2022)

2 April – 1 May 2022

  1. From LS, New Taipei City, Taiwan – TW029 Prayer Altar 

Two years ago, one sister gave me a 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World Booklet. Later, when I watched a video of Mulsims doing the Hajj during a mission course at the seminary, I realised that it is the biggest dream of Muslims all around the world. I did not know why tears ran down my face when seeing many Muslims circling around the Kaaba in that video. Through the explanation from a MBB (Muslim Background Believer), I learnt that Muslims were often trampled to death on the spot during the crowded walking counter-clockwise around the Kaaba. I sensed the strong love of our Father to Muslims, and I believed that He could not bear to see the destruction and loss of His dear children! Our Heavenly Father also changed my perspectives towards Muslims from many negative thoughts to a burden of prayer.

This year, I interceded for Muslims together with Burning Bush Prayer Network. Through the daily posts of prayers and videos, I have become more aware of how the environment and culture of Muslims have caused extreme and deep bondages in their lives. Especially for those women and the poor who live under violent oppression constantly, there is almost no hope for them! It is so heartbreaking, and all I can do is to keep praying for them and asking Father to save them from troubles. Although 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World came to an end with the closure of Ramadan, I continue to use Global Prayer Digest  and follow H2Z Prayer Movement (From Mountains of HAven to Mount Zion) to pray for Muslims. May God’s glorious works in the Muslims nations arise, so that many lost souls are saved and no one perishes.

2. From RC, Taipei, Taiwan – TW009 Prayer Altar

The prayers for the Muslims during their holy month of Ramadan were very different this year. In the past, I only used the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World  booklet. This year, because I volunteered to post daily prayer information in Burning Bush Prayer Network’s groups, I also followed the prayer videos published by Prayercast and the cartoon styled prayer videos. Thanks to the Lord! There are a variety of prayer materials for the intercessors to participate in the prayer movement for Muslims during Ramadan in 2022. Whether they are purely texts or videos with touching scenes and sounds, both are equally gripping. I believe that our prayers, whether voiced or silent, have all ascended to the throne of the Lord like a fragrant offering. May God hear every whisper from the Praying Priest made before Him and may He make every prayer a blessing to Muslims. I am also very glad to be involved with posting the daily prayers and video links during Ramadan. 

3. From GM,  Sydney Australia – AU008 Prayer Altar 

I  have been working with colleagues from Muslim background and seen how faithful and committed they are in observing prayer time. One day at work I went into a room, and one colleague was praying on the floor with her mat. My heart ached for her if only she knew the True God. During the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting started in mid-March as well as our weekly prayers, I felt an urge to pray for the salvation of Muslims and for their eyes to be opened. Then I joined the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World in April.  

We thank God for the dedicated intercessors who prayed for the salvation of these souls. Although we may not see Muslims being saved because of not having any Muslims around us, the good news is that God answers our prayers! There are a lot of testimonies on Youtube of Muslims who have had an encounter with Yeshua. I believe testimonies like these brought hope to all Praying Priests during the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. Praise God for answering prayers.